2012年8月17日 星期五

How to Increase Your Coaching Prices - 3 Secrets to Make Money by Increasing Your Coaching Prices

You've decided that you choose to increase your coaching program prices. You've shopped around and you see what your competitors are charging. You see the economy and notice that there are more home businesses and small businesses starting up right now. That means your business coaching program is very valuable especially right now. Additionally, the government is giving away grant money to stimulate the economy. Where did they get the money if the government is bankrupt? Do you really need to know? Just get on the gravy train. Now is exactly the right time to greatly push your coaching program to new students and to raise the prices. Keep reading to learn 3 secrets to make money by increasing your coaching prices.

You deserve to get more money for your coaching expertise. Strategically raise your prices. Here's how to do it:

1. Recognize the tremendous value of your coaching program. In your program, you methodically provide information you've tested over many years. You provide proved methods in a highly condensed form. Remember when you were first starting out your coaching program? You spend thousands, maybe $75,000 or more on learning what you know. Do you want to recoup some of the money you already spent from other students? Of course you do! You do it by raising your coaching prices.

2. Think about this idea. The more you focus on how much money you've already invested in developing your skills in your niche market, the more you'll realize that charging $12,000 or so on your coaching program is a bargain for each of your students compared to what you spent to learn what you now expertly know about your niche market.

Make sure you promote this knowledge to your students. Ask them to review how much money they've already spent on learning how to completely solve their most pressing life challenge in their niche. As they comparatively analyze the thousands of dollars in wasted effort compared with what they've learned from you, they will accept the price increase. They will see that your tiny fee is nothing compared to what they've already spent throughout their lifetime on training!

3. Increase the program's perceived value to the student. Your program's perceived value exists in your prospect's or student's mind. Agitate the things that feel mentally or emotionally "painful" to your students and clients using your very effective marketing material. Put the spotlight on what they are without that brought them to you and your coaching program.

Describe their sustained or lengthened misery without your excellent coaching program methods, strategies and ideas. Your prospects and students associate financial freedom or some other mental or emotional freedom with learning the methods in your program. When you share how to "relieve" their "pain", they feel very grateful. What price can you put on "peace of mind?" It's priceless and an increased price in your coaching program will gladly be paid by your students or clients so they can continue to live pain free!

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