Why do we as affiliates look at our business through short term lenses? Why do we devote a spurt of energy to a given business opportunity and then give up on it. Are we guilty of just looking for fast and easy money without putting in the time to really gain an understanding of what we are doing?
The question "why" can be very frustrating. This is especially so if you have not thought it out. You know when your child keeps coming up to you asking you "why" and you get irritated because you really do not understand "why". This may be due to the fact that you are just following what somebody else told you, without ever going into the question. This is especially so today since most of the time we just want quick answers. The reason I ask the question "why" pertains to one thing and one thing only. The fact is this, many of us are always looking to others for answers, tips and techniques and furthermore somewhere to lay the blame when our efforts fail to produce results.
Until you understand you and the way you function then you will always be jumping from one opportunity to the next. You have to ask yourself a serious question. What am I really looking to achieve. Many would answer - I just want to make money online and achieve the life of luxury. Then there are those who have a passion for something but just do not know how to execute a plan
The latter have a better chance of succeeding. If all you seek is money you have to wonder why this is so important to you. Money as we know is probably the only real way of achieving tangible freedom, but beyond that what relationships will you have if all your concerned about is money.
Many of us have experienced the difference between dealing with people who are only out for money and those who have a genuine concern for you and the service or product they offer.
The point is this. Take stock of who you are. You after all will be running your business. You will be the one who will have to allocate time and resources to make it work. You will be the one who will have to accept failure and mistakes. The buck stops here. Remember understanding is not something conclusive. So before you do anything else either online or offline stop and reflect on what it is you are doing and why you are doing it.
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