Millions of people come online everyday looking for a way to honestly earn some extra income. Each person has their own reason for doing so. It could be a disabled person looking to supplement their disability check, a recently laid off employee or someone like me. I'm getting up there in age and would like to have an additional monthly income to add to whatever my retirement check will be.
What I've learned from talking to a lot of people is that the majority think that all work at home programs are scams and sometimes it can be down right difficult to convince them otherwise.It's true there are many scams on the Internet right now, but there are also a lot of legitimate programs that mislead people into believing they can make money instantly with little effort on their part. As a result, they end up being labeled as scams also.
Well, the truth is that if you want to make money online, you can do it, but it is going to cost you. It takes time and money to start building a monthly income worth bragging about. How much you are willing to invest in either is entirely up to you. If you aren't willing to invest, you really should consider another method for earning income. I know this may sound a bit harsh, but better you get it straight up front rather than figuring it out AFTER you've maxed out your credit cards or exhausted your savings account right?
Once you recognize and accept the above facts, your next obstacle to get past is selecting the right opportunity. For me, choosing the right product/service is essential because so many people only focus on how much they can earn from a program and not even realize the product/service basically sucks! Hey, I have to call it like it is.
When I first started out, I was guilty of looking at the money aspect only. Some of the programs, I actually knew the product was worthless and still promoted it. That didn't last long, because my "old school" values kicked in and I just couldn't operate like that anymore. Although not an expert, I'm not a "newbie" anymore, but I always look at a program from their perspective. If I believe they can't use the product or service, I won't recommend it.
Another factor I look at is the cost of the program. There are some programs that are actually pretty good and may be of some use for a "newbie", but require $50 monthly to participate. A potential sponsor will more than likely try to encourage the "newbie" to join anyway because once he/she gets enough sign ups, his/her expenses will be covered. Yeah, right! What if takes 6, 8 or even 10 months to get the required number of sign ups to cover those expenses? This could be pretty costly for that new person who really can't afford it but is going for the dream.
I believe that when choosing a "work at home opportunity" you should use the product/service offered and evaluated it yourself. If you don't get any benefit from it, neither will the person you're trying to sell to. Sure, the money may look good and you may sign up (sucker) a few "newbies" into joining you, but your drop-out rate will be pretty high as you head down the path of failure. Pretty soon, you will drop the program yourself and may even end up calling it a scam because you didn't make any money with it.So, to sum it all up, the best way to make money online is to find a product or service that provides an opportunity for it's users to earn money by referring others. Make sure YOU actually find the product/service useful and affordable and use it! Tell all your friends and associates about it and then promote, promote, promote.
Edward Gause is webmaster of the Honesty in Internet Marketing and publishes the Honest Online Marketing Tips Newsletter, a weekly ezine targeting the interests of novice internet marketers. When you get the chance, visit: