2012年9月15日 星期六

How to Use Money to Make Money: Trading Currencies

Use money to make money and you will gain financial independence. If you work for money your earnings will always be restricted by the amount of labor you can realize, no matter how big your paycheck is. On the other hand, if you make your money work hard your income potential has no limit. You will have earnings while you are sleeping or on a vacation.

Do you want to quit the rat-race? Use what Albert Einstein called the most powerful force in the Universe, compound interest, in your favor.

You need...

1. - Money.

You cannot make money out of nothing, you need a start-up capital. The good news is you don't need a lot of money to get started. In the forex market the required money to open and fund a new account is very low.You might be able to start trading with only $10 dollars.

Obviously the more money you are able to save and invest the better. The bigger your account the sooner you will be able to achieve the desired results. Make a commitment to save 10% of your monthly income.

2. - A good rate of return.

You can't gain financial independence with a low rate of return. When you settle for low rates you are leaving a lot of money on the table. For example, over a period of 10 years a starting capital of $1000 dollars would grow:

5% rate - $1,628.89
10% rate - $2,593.74
15% rate - $4,045.56
20% rate - $6,191.74

The forex market is a great alternative that will help you achieve better results; 15%-20% gains every year are not uncommon, if you trade with a good system and in a disciplined way.

3. - Time to let your money grow.

How much time do you have to let your money grow? Longer periods represent bigger profits. Start saving and investing today and you will have a fortune before you realize it.

If you have less time to let your money grow you will have to improve your rate of return, just be aware, this is not an invitation to trade recklessly.

Compound interest is like a snow ball, when your account grows it will attract money like a magnet.

I love the Forex market because it allows me to gain good rates of return on my money, in up and down markets. I don't consider it a job because it only takes me 30 minutes once a week to manage my trades. Some other very profitable systems can be traded checking your positions once a day.

Would you like to learn how to automatically reap a golden harvest of wealth and prosperity almost beyond belief? Go to http://www.howtoinvestforprofit.com and http://www.shortcutforexsystem.com where we explain step-by-step, in crystal clear language, what to do and how to do it.

