2012年9月13日 星期四

Make Money With Your Computer - Do It Before Everyone Jumps on the Bandwagon

"Go to school, get good grades, get a job, save money, buy a house, and you are all set for life, Sweetie."

Unfortunately, that advice is not working too well nowadays. Sure, maybe back in the day it was, but we're now in the Information Age and it's power is finally starting to materialize. Ever heard how many people and analysts are saying the U.S. will be a third-world country? Well blame technology along with the economy. See, the common mindset of the average person is to work for the DOLLAR. Every 2 weeks you get paid dollars, go home, spend it, and have to return to work and trade your time. There's one little problem: every year the dollar is losing it's value because the Federal Reserve is printing money like crazy and wanting interest, so why work so hard for something that's dropping like a rock? You ever see those commercials of "Hey YOU! Send us your GOLD and we'll pay you CASH"??? Those gold guys are smart. They know the dollar is dropping and are stocking up on gold as an investment.

So why do some say the U.S. is going to be a 3rd world country? A lot has to do with the computer. There is already a company that has a call center in a state where the minimum wage is low. This call center is linked to different fast-food franchises in states where the wages are a little higher. So as you roll up to the intercom, the person taking your order is actually the person with a computer and headset in that call center. Not someone in that actual restaurant. So what does this mean? Let's say the minimum wage in Georgia is $5.15/hr and the minimum wage in Connecticut is $8.25/hr, well the owner of that restaurant just saved about 38% on a worker's wage cost. This is what's to come in the near future. Why would a business owner pay an office administrator $15/hr to answer phones, manage accounts, and set appointments when someone in Vietnam who speaks English can do the same thing with an internet connection/phone/computer/headset for $0.15/hr?

The rich and wealthy approach money with a different mindset. They don't work for it. They work to build business/investments/assets that generate what's called "cash flow" or income streams of money. Because the internet has now eliminated much of the costs for a conventional business, the average person can start an internet marketing business for little or even no cost and be able to generate income streams from home. This has already been happening, but due to the economic crisis and ability to do business online with other countries, it's going to sky-rocket. So why not get the right education and learn how to make money with your computer, before everyone else does? Because you know when it's caught on, it's too late.

New internet marketer, becoming educated the true honest way of online income through Internet Income University.

