2012年9月14日 星期五

Making Money like A Run Away Snowball

Internet Marketing and making money on the internet is a process that is closer to a run away snowball than a financial revolution. Momentum can be defined as the "Impetus of a nonphysical process, such as an idea or a course of events". Making money online requires momentum.

When I started my first e-commerce web site back in 2002, I expected sales to just pour in without any effort. Do you remember the old commercial that showed the launch of a new internet business and almost immediately they had their first order, and then the next came, and before they knew it they had thousands of orders? That never happens with a new business in a competitive environment. For sure people launch new products on the internet every day and make millions overnight. But that success did not happen overnight. In most cases they are taking advantage of someone else's or internally created momentum, before they launch their new product. It may appear as overnight success, but it was really the result of a lot of time, planning, execution and excellent momentum.

So if you are brand new and no one knows you exist, how do you create momentum? You're eager, you're excited and you want results NOW. Temptation to jump on board a dozen marketing guru's paid plans or participate in shaky traffic schemes is very strong, but my best advice is to slow down, don't spend any serious money and build your own momentum. How do you do this? It's called work.

Start going to every forum you can find about internet marketing, and read, read, read. Don't allow the hype of some of the marketers to get you so excited you start dropping money. Most of these programs do work, but they require some effort on your part before you will see results, and in many cases you can do more harm than good. There are thousands of people that are looking to score a fast buck off an internet newbie, don't fall prey to your ambition. Be prepared and knowledgeable.

Now the beauty of internet marketing is that once you start to see income, it compounds and builds quickly, like a snowball rolling down a hill. It may be small at first, but it will grow with time. And then it starts to grow exponentially, like a snowball. Most people quit before they get to this point, or simply run out of money before they figure out what works. Your biggest allies are persistence and time. Like your money, don't waste them.

Bill McRea is the publisher of Free Marketing Information Free marking information from a successful marketer that has created a wide range of legitimate and profitable businesses on the interent.

