If you're reading this article today you're probably a marketer yourself possibly looking for reputable opportunity to get involved in. Well before I began writing about making money with Zeek Rewards, I would first like to tell you that this is not a traditional Network Marketing opportunity. OK now with that being said let's get started.
Zeek Rewards is an auction company that sales name brand items through its auction site. The money that is being made from the auction site is then split among paying members in the program. Members only get paid from Zeek Rewards for placing one ad per day. This is mandatory because the program is not an investment opportunity, or some illegitimate off shore HYIP ( high yield investment program). The only thing you must do to earn money with this program is place your one ad per day, and use your vip bids to either bid in the auctions or you can save them and let them accumulate into more vip bids!
The more vip bids you have the more revenue share you're entitled to receive. It is not a guarantee that you will receive any revenue at all for the day. Although since I've been involved the program, I'm receiving revenue share for the amount of vip bids I own, and for placing my one ad per day.
Now here's something I would like to also mention for Network Marketers. Although Zeek Rewards doesn't require us to recruit anyone, or sell anything, we have the opportunity to sponsor other people if you like, but again it's not necessary.
Now don't kill the messenger which is me. I'm a recruiter because I really enjoy helping people earn money online. Zeek Rewards has a 2x5 matrix in place with matching bonuses for those brave people who don't mind telling other people! They will compensate you well for all of your time and effort if like to recruit people.
My last say about this opportunity is that, people don't quit this program at all because Zeek Rewards gives away 110 bonus credits which turns into real cash after you've been in the opportunity for about two months! That's a really great incentive to people who really want to earn money!
For the first time people can earn real money with this opportunity because the way Zeek Rewards has their structure.Most people on the internet cannot sale, recruit, sponsor, or market online well enough to earn a significant amount of sustainable income. This is the perfect opportunity to overcome all of those obstacles!
So if you're looking to learn more about Zeek Rewards, you can also sign up for free to investigate the opportunity further. On their website they have great information to educate consumers on how get involved on their auction site, opportunity if you want to earn, and even if you're a season marketer.
Doniel is an Internet Marketer in South Florida who uses the power of the internet to make money from home and teaches other people his formula to his success. If you would like to find out earn money with affiliate marketing passive income opportunities http://www.earn-passive-income.net