2012年9月25日 星期二

Making Money Without Money

If you are looking to make money without money, then you have come to the right place. You see, I hate paying for anything. I don't like to hand out money for websites, for programs, for music, and especially for software. I love the idea of free stuff. So when it comes to making money, I prefer to do it for free. Below I lay out some ideas on how to make money without money.

The reason most of us start looking for other ways to make money is because we need some. So, to have to come up with some money to make some money most likely won't happen. We then turn to the internet. I mean, after all, there is a tone of free stuff there. The problem is that there is almost too much stuff. So much so, that one gets overwhelmed and just never gets started. Let's do this: Forget what you have learned and been told, and see if we can come up with a game plan.

For starters, what is something you like? You need to figure this out before you move on. This is what your product will be about. Got something? Good. For the sake of this article, I will say I like building birdhouses. Next, you need to find something about your product to sell. There are many affiliate programs you can join for free which may have products about your topic to sell. Just go to Google, and do a search on "your product affiliate program". This should return a decent list to get something going.

Next, you need a free site to set up. Go to Squidoo, and get a free website, or what they call a lens. Ensure you use your product in the title. Mine would squidoo/birdhouses. Now, set up the lens with the information you want. Squidoo has a bunch of different modules you can add. They also allow affiliate links, so feel free to add those as well. Now you have a website set up for free, with affiliate links about your product. One item left: Traffic.

The best way to drive traffic to this type of a website is with EzineArticles. They have a page rank 6, so Google ranks them fairly high. Start writing articles about your topic. Write about 10 different articles, covering all aspects of your product, and send the traffic all to the Squidoo site. Before long, you will be making some decent money. Then just go and do it again for another product.

There is nothing like making money online. And even better is when you can make it without having to spend any of your own money. With so many methods out there, you need to focus on just one at a time. The one I laid out above has proven to be very profitable for me. Hopefully, you can also make some money without money.

Michael Baker is providing free Tips and Guides for marketing your website. From setting up free websites, to free SEO tips, and how to use articles, http://www.tips-and-guides.com can get you started in the right direction.

