Having little money to spend on the things you want and need in University or College is all part of being a student. Every student wishes that they had more money to be able to go out with friends and buy more clothes, food, drink and so on, but having little money is just something that every student has to deal with. Some students manage to get around the problem by taking up part-time jobs in between studies, which works well for keeping your funds at a healthy level, but it is not always an ideal option if you are already spending hours each day studying and going to lectures.
Luckily for you, there is another way of making money that is far more flexible than any part time job, and could potentially be even more profitable... which is playing online poker.
Online poker is a perfectly legal and effective way to make money for student life. As long as you are over the age of 18 and in a country that allows you to gamble online, (which is the majority of countries including UK, US and so on) you are in a perfect position to start playing online poker and winning money. There are already a large number of student poker players earning a steady income from online poker, with many more joining them every single day.
You may be under the impression that poker is always a losing game and that nobody ever wins, or that the online sites a rigged to make you lose more than you win. But this is just not the case. You are able to win money from poker because you are playing against other humans that are trying to outplay you also, and so you are not playing against the house like in other casino games like roulette or blackjack where the odds are always in the house's favour. Therefore if you can learn to play the game better than your opponents, you will be able to win money from them and make a living playing online poker.
It all sounds so simple, but I'm not going to lead you into believing that it is all easy money. The key to winning money from online poker is learning how to play the game well by employing good poker strategy, which can be a time consuming process. This is the reason why many players fail to win money in the long run, as they never put the effort into learning how to play their cards in a profitable manner.
This is a great shame, because if you can learn how to play profitable poker, you will have a skill that can last you a lifetime that you can always call upon to earn yourself a little money from time to time. There are numerous strategy sites, books and videos freely available to anyone looking to develop into winning poker players, so there is no reason why you can't learn how to win money as long as you put the time and effort in. And as a student, you are in your intellectual prime to pick up the game and learn all the key strategy of a winning poker playing style.
The benefits of playing online poker for money are almost endless, with the main advantages being that you get to choose how long you 'work' for, as well as move up the limits and win more and more money as you progress. Playing poker is good fun, and so your 'job' is also a great form of entertainment, which is something that not a lot of people can say.
This makes online poker a great option for students, as you can fit in the hours you play poker around your studying hours as you please, which you cannot easily do with a part time job. So now you know about the possibilities of earning a living as a student poker player, its time to get out there and start learning how to play poker profitably and cleaning up at the tables. Just get onto learning some good strategy and picking up some quality poker tips, and you will be on your way to making that little bit extra for the weekends, or maybe even more...
Good Luck.
This article was written by Greg Walker.
For more articles like this and information on how to win money as a student poker player, visit http://www.studentpokerpro.com