2012年10月23日 星期二

Original Ways to Make Money With No Money - Finding Gold Mines In a Junk Yard

There are millions of ways for you to make money. Some of the most original ways also co-coincidently happen to become the most successful. They say there is nothing new under the sun. It has all been done, but that is not important. Original does not mean something before its time. It just means a small improvement that is original on an old concept.

If you want to make money, you are going to have to devise a solution to someones problem in the form of a product or service and deliver it. If there is one person with the problem there is probably many more. This all comes back to coming up with ideas and then doing official feasibility studies in the form of face to face interviews with possible customers. This type of activity will uncover a lot of information which, when collated and brought together will give you a picture of what that particular business idea can do and if it is worth pursuing.

The advantage of this type of feasibility study is that it costs nothing or very little. It is all idea and mind work. The next step is once you do have an original idea, to approach venture capitalists with your feasibility study. There are many business organizations that love to invest in start up ideas. This is usually private money and can be accessed for the purpose of setting up your business idea. So far it has cost you absolutely nothing.

Ultimately to make money in original ways, you need good ideas first, but then they must be tested on real live customers in an effort to establish how feasible it sounds to them in the bright light of day. Get that right and securing venture capital is a foregone conclusion.

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3 Passive Investment Income Ways To Financial Independence [http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Passive-Investment-Income-Ways-To-Financial-Independence&id=892645 ]

