This is part 2 of my article on how to make money from home. In the first article I told you about earning money with Google adsense. Now that you have started, the next step is to build your websites. I have no idea what program you will be using so that step will be up to you to learn. Many of the software programs have tutorials on how to build websites with their software. Take your time and become very familiar with the program you have chosen. Once you have mastered how to create websites you can start on the next step.
Once you have your first site built on you computer, you will have to get a domain name and a website host. I have several recommendations on my site as to what companies I use. You can surf the net and find several places that offer domains and web hosting. I highly recommend that you find the best host you can. Saving money on hosting can cost you in the long run. If you sign up with a not so great host and your site is down a lot it will cost you money. If you are promoting a site that is always crashing your visitors have no place to go. Make sure you find a great host with 24/7 service and a good track record. Remember that with hosting you often get what you pay for, so if it is incredibly cheap then you will get what you pay for, not so great service.
Once you have your domain and hosting company, then get your site up running. The next step is to get your Google AdSense account. Once you have you Google AdSense account you will want to place your ads on your site. How to place the AdSense ads on our site is show to you at google. It will show you how to create the Google AdSense ads that you will place on your websites.
Now the final step is to advertise your site. I do this by writing articles just like this one. I write articles relating to my sites content and submit them to article sites. This creates traffic to my site which in turn earns me money. There are several ways to advertise your site but the main way I do it is to write articles. It is the cheapest way and that is why I am telling you to advertise you site this way. For more information on this feel free to visit my website.
Kevin Stull, Home Business Entreprenuer []