If you want celebrity addresses for autographs there are lots of places you can find them on the internet, but there are things you have to take into account.
A lot of the celebrity addresses for autographs you will find on free websites are probably old and out of date. The problem with this is that most addresses are of agents that represent the celebrities and they tend to change agents quite often so you might be wasting your time and money writing to an agent that no longer represents them. A lot of agents won't forward the mail on but will just throw it away. It is therefore to your advantage to take time and trouble to check these agents (and thus the addresses supplied) are up to date before writing and sending any letter or photos for signing.
The best way to get up to date celebrity addresses for autographs is to go to paying sites. There are several around and they charge an average price of $50 per year. By paying this you get checked, verified, researched up to date addresses that you won't waste your time or money by using. If you are going to be selling autographs then to pay this small amount is definitely worth it and will save you a lot of time and effort. By using this you can be far more secure in the knowledge that at least what you send should reach the person you intend it to go to.
Some celebrity addresses for autographs are available by applying through the television companies. Details and addresses for these can be found off the web site for the particular programmes/companies. You need to follow the exact details given to receive replies.
If you want to make money selling autographs then a list of up to date celebrity addresses for autographs is a must have. Finding one that is updated, accurate and easy to use is your most important find and a very valuable asset. Read More
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