Making money in a home business is always a good idea, is it more important now that we are in a recession? Let's examine some economic factors which could be of concern for a long time to come. As someone with a degree in economics, I believe what we are feeling today economically is just the beginning of an economic tsunami which will leave many in its wake. Or haven't you heard? The middle class is shrinking rapidly and will soon all but disappear. Where will that leave you?
Please consider some of these facts:
The value or purchasing power of the dollar is decreasing and will continue to do so as long as the government continues to print money freely. This means that if you are a wage earner or living on a fixed income, and you are fortunate enough to receive a small increase in that income, you're most likely still losing economic ground because you haven't made up for the loss of purchasing power. Even though you're earning more, you can't buy as much.
The National Debt continues to rise at an alarming rate and because the government is technically bankrupt, it has no choice except to print more money which exacerbates the above situation. The more dollars in circulation, the less value each has.
Consider this, President George W. Bush borrowed more money - which means the fed printed more money - during his first term in office than all of his predecessors combined!
The high prices of oil are no longer a supply issue. With the large populations of the world's two most populace nations, China and India now driving cars - remember they used to ride bicycles - and those countries beginning to manufacture low cost vehicles, it is now a demand issue.
The price of oil, and as a result the price of fuel, has an effect on every sector of the economy, from the food you put on the table to the clothing you put on your back, from the fuel you use to heat and/or cool your home, to the cost of your commute.
The bottom line is, your standard of living will continue to decline until YOU decide to do something about it. The "old" go to school, get a good education, get a job, save as much as you can, retire on your savings, retirement plan and social security, will no longer work. This is a "new" economy and requires new thinking.
We can no longer sit with blinders on and say to ourselves "everything will be ok", because it won't. There is an economic tsunami headed this way. Is a home based business your answer? Perhaps. Did you know that if you have 10 to 12 hours per week and just a little out of pocket, you can get one started? And if you treat it like a business rather than a hobby you have a good chance of building a business, in a short period of time, that can be both personally and financially rewarding?
Hi, I'm George L. Kenney
I've been in financial services for over twenty five years and direct marketing over twenty and have built some substantial businesses with low end products and a lot of hard work. Now I've found a much better way, and I'll teach you as well. If you're someone who would like to have all of your questions answered before you invest in a home business opportunity and join a team that works together to assist everyone in succeeding then please visit my website