2012年11月2日 星期五

Making Money Online - Truth or Myth?

Having been inspired by recent articles posted on one particular site, I have recently embarked on a new part time internet business.

I was GIVEN FREE all the tools I needed to get started;

New web site

Training Course

Members Support Forum

Free registration to various affiliate organisations.

My initial costs were my domain name and web hosting.(minimal cost for both)

What wasn't made clear at the outset before registering for a domain and hosting, was that further costs are likely to be incurred.

These additional costs were primarily tools to build your list of subscribers and were obvious essentials.

However, when following the training programme, certain recommendations were made to upgrade certain aspects of these at further cost. Which as it turned out would have been better left until later in the programme when generating an income.

It is very easy to be drawn in by a lot of promises of wealth etc. and your instinct is to follow the programme. This is where you can go wrong if you are running on a tight budget and lose a lot of money. It is far better to once registered, visit the members forum. Here you can get invaluable help on which parts to upgrade and how to promote your site to get visitors to it. Then and only then, consider ways of enhancing your site and subscribing to other more costly affiliate programmes.

In summary, the idea of making money on the internet is not new and YES it can be done. There are plenty of testimonials in the members forum to support that. But you must:-

Set a Budget and stick to it. (I've capped mine at $500)

Concentrate on building your list. There is no point in having the best web site in the world, if you don't have visitors to it.

Talk to and listen to other members experiences.

Do not expect overnight success. You will probably need to spend 1 to 2 hours daily promoting your site in one way or another for a few weeks or even months.

Remain focussed.

I am now starting to see financial rewards, but still have a long way to go before I can say I have made it.

I hope this information gives you food for thought before embarking on a similar path.

Good luck in any venture you may take.

To learn all aspects of internet marketing and get the benefit of one to one mentoring, visit http://quick-start-to-internet-marketing.com

