Many people nowadays are investigating for several reasons home based businesses to increase their income. All advertisements about these opportunities are telling them high income, working part time from home with little money to invest.
It's time to tell the people who are really serious about making money online through these opportunities that you have to invest, of course in time, but also in money.
I don't want to write about affiliate programs or paid survey programs. I know you can make good money with this type of home based business. For now I want to write about the programs who have actually products to market.
If you decide to enroll in a MLM-company, there is probably an annual membership fee and the purchase of the autoshipments every month. That depends which MLM-company you join and the quantity of products you order monthly. And if you decide to enter a high ticket program, usually these programs are costing between $800.00 - $2000.00 as a one time fee combined with monthly administration fees.
This is the easy part of the investment. You know what you have to pay, for the products and the different fees. But then, there is the marketing thing. We have to position ourselves on the internet for our specific product.
I am not going in detail about marketing techniques, only about the must have tools and the investments you have to consider.
You have your own business, so you have to have your own domain and your own web(capture)page. Registering a domain is about $10 per year. I have a subscription at a company where I can setup a capture page, setup autoresponders, setup newsletters and much more features. This is a must have for every internet marketer. There is a 7 day no-obligation trial, to maintain the membership it's just $50.00 per month.
When you have your own domain and your own webpage, it's time to market. The fastest way to get traffic is start with PPC-advertising. This is also the trickiest one, because if you don't do this right, you will be out of your business within 3 months. Team up with people who are doing this for some time. My company provides video tutorials about PPC-advertising and this is a very important issue when you consider a company to market for. Having a tool for keywords is an absolute must. You can purchase a tool where you can pay for one week $30, one month $60 or one year $330.
In my next article I am going to write some more features of marketing and the possible investments you have to consider.
Richard van Beek invites you to visit his Big Ticket To Wealth [] website for one of the most exciting opportunities you will ever find. People from all walks of life are making money online without previous internet experience. Please go here now to learn more: ----> []