Article writing is fast becoming an effective method of making money on the web. It is a useful way of generating passive income, even without having a background in Information Technology.
You do not have to be a professional writer to earn money writing articles. All that is required is the passion and the ability to construct useful content that will help your reader solve a problem or answer a question. Of the popular methods available, here are the 4 most effective ways to make money by writing articles.
1. Write for Revenue Sharing Sites - Many websites get a majority of their content from member submissions. In turn, these websites will actually share the revenue generated by your articles with you. eHow and Bukisa are two up-and-coming sites that you should consider.
2. Promote Affiliate Products - Have you used a product in the past few months that you absolutely loved? Did you look and see if they have an affiliate program? Write a few articles, submit them to popular article directories then sit back and watch the money roll in. While it is hard work, you can earn money writing for some affiliates. Try and few out and see if you have any luck!
3. Write for Other People - Many people do not have the ability, or time, to write their own articles. Take advantage of this and offer to write a few articles for them. Have them track the performance of your articles and demand a bonus based upon certain sales percentages. Never under estimate your talent.
4. Build Backlinks - Backlinks are simply links created from one website to another. When Google evaluates the popularity of a web page, backlinks are one of the items considered. Post as many comments on blogs in your niche as possible. Ensure that your comment is somewhat related to the discussion or it may be deleted as spam. Building the number of backlinks you have attached to your articles will naturally increase your search engine results.
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