When I first started the internet business I was looking for the "get rich quick" and I fell into many scam who defrauded me of my hard earn money like the high yield investment programs all over the internet. It is possible for you to earn money from the internet on part time bases I mean do your internet business and still keep your other jobs.
There are many ways your can make money from the internet on part time bases, some these internet business you need money to start and some you do not need money to start. If you are to start your own product or program online, you need money to start. You will need money to advertise your product, you will need money to hire people to help you make the product a success and you will also need money to get the knowledge you need about the product. So you see you need money to make money, if the owners of website like my space.com will tell you how much they have spend to get the hundreds of thousands of visitors they have today, I tell you the truth if you don't have enough faith you will not go into such programs.
Do not let that stop your dreams of making money from the internet on part time bases because you can also start your money making part time jobs online without money like the affiliate programs, that is you helping other internet marketers sell their products and you are paid some commission you can also make money from part time jobs online from pay per click with these program you need little or no money to start.
To make money on part time bases from the internet you need to know how to get visitors to your website or blog I use article marketing that is writing and submitting article to article centres online to get visitors to my site and I get thousands of visitors to my websites learn from the expert how to get visitors to your website http://charlesarticle.blogspot.com. I also use this website call nairaland.com to get visitors to my website. If you master this art of getting visitors to your site you will make money from these part time jobs on the internet. And you can download this art from charlesarticle.com. There are many other ways to get visitors to your website like social bookmark and many other ways. To make money from the internet on part time bases you need visitors to your website. I say more visitors more money for you. I wish you thousands of dollars online.