2012年12月24日 星期一

Making Money - A New Year's Resolution and Making it Come True

I believe everyone wants to earn more money especially when the economy is not doing so good. Without money we can barely survive in this world. Everything we need to use in our daily lives whether items or services, we need to pay for it. So, how can we earn more money. I am sure many of us have named making money as a resolution every year but just how many of use can achieve that?

I am a writer and I find that most writers do not earn as much as they deserve. Still this is not a reason to give up just yet after all we can all get great projects and work hard towards better earnings. However, what about side income?

Side income is essentially important just like our basic income and there are of course many ways to earn more money. There is a way for everyone so everyone has the opportunity to earn more for their family.

If you have a full time job in the office, you can consider part time job during the weekends or whenever you are free. For example, if you are good at writing, you can get some part time writing jobs to supplement your expenses. This is a simple job for those who love to write so if you want to be a writer, this is also a first step to gain more experience. At least, I started out that way.

Otherwise, you can try a side business such as selling items such as handicraft, old magazines, clothing line or something that you can get cheaper than anywhere else or something you can make. Bakeries are also great choices for sale to your friends and colleague, especially if you are great in baking cakes or muffins and other stuff.

Babysitting can earn you some money too. Usually teenagers might be the one baby sitting but if you are a homemaker, you might want to consider baby sitting for someone who has to work and has no time to take care of their child during the day. This way you can charge them a weekly or monthly payment, you decide the payment. While babysitting has its advantages and disadvantages, think about it.

These are examples of what you can do to gain more income. Actually there are many other ways which I am sure you will discover along the way once you have started to get comfortable with these. Try different things and you will know which is better for you so in the end you will gain more money while doing something that you like.

I own a blog at Writing Angel and I blog about almost everything that happens in my life especially about making money.

