When you are broke and are in urgent need of cash, you just think of ways to make money fast. It is hard to earn money in this world, let alone to earn it fast! Now it depends on you how fast is 'fast' for you? Two weeks, one week, one day, or overnight! The important thing is to be realistic! Because if you are not, then you are sure to get disappointed and of course, you could also get duped!
Earning quick money does not always mean you have to do technically complex things. Here are some fast money making tips:
You can offer your services in your neighborhood by raking leaves off the drive ways, shoveling snow, mowing lawns, etc. You do it at home anyway. Maybe your dad gives you a hike in your allowance for that. But if you do it for your neighbors they are sure to pay you. You can easily earn anywhere from $15-20 an hour.
Bake cookies and sell them. You can go to your local shops asking them to keep your cookies in their shops, offering them a small commission for the sale of each cookie. Or you could approach local businesses/offices in your area, asking permission to sell your cookies to their employee during lunch time.
You can put up some of the old things in your house for sale online or in your backyard. Things like clothes, toys, some antique lamps or CDs really go fast. You would want to sell them at low prices to attract customers.
Keep in mind that the above tips can make you fast money, but are NOT going to make you rich! So you need to decide. You need to look at your overall money situation. So if you want the money real fast, don't waste your weekends, holidays or free time anymore. Offer your services and get paid upfront!
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