The answer to this question is yes you can.
To make money and not lose money from taking surveys you need be very organized and you need to develop a plan.
How can you lose money?
Most get-paid-to websites aka paid survey websites will ask you at some point for a credit card to sign up for a particular high paying offer. You can make money without using a credit card but the payout amounts for those types of offers are really small. Small like .25 to $1.00 for 15 minutes to 30 minutes of your time small, isn't your time worth more than a dollar. If you want those bigger payouts they want your credit card. The offer companies are betting that you are unorganized and will forget to cancel that trial product offer or trial subscription.
Here is where you can lose money if you are not careful. Why is that? At this point you subscribed to something, a product or promotional offer to evaluation it. Once the get-paid-to website shows you the monetary credit for the offer you just signed up for, now is the time to cancel the subscription to the promotion or the offer.
It can take a few days before the monetary credit appears on the get-paid-to website so you need to be organized.
I create a document or spreadsheet for each get-paid-to website I am working with. I write down the offer I am participating in, how much I will be paid for the offer, when I will get paid, when can I cancel the subscription or offer, and I also write down when the item was canceled with the order number for the promotion I participated in.
If you created a simple system like I described, that alerts you when you got paid from the get-paid-to website and then how and where to cancel the subscription or offer you signed up for you will be making money from get-paid-to websites instead of losing money.
To find the best get-paid-to websites check
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