2012年7月30日 星期一

Anyone Can Make Money in MLM Now

Are you facing struggles trying to find a solution to a problem? Money will be able to solve a lot of problems. Even though money is not the ultimate solution, I believe that the lack of money is the root cause of many problems in the first place - therefore solving your money problems will seriously get a load off your chest.

I remember my first experience of being an entrepreneur - by joining my first network marketing opportunity.

I wanted to achieve success and quit my job so badly that I got into an argument with my parents because I came from a traditional family where we are brought up to study hard, get good grade, get a good job and work till you drop. They just could not understand why a 'normal' person would leave the job market, college degree and all to start a network marketing business.

I explained to my parents that network marketing or MLM is a business that does not require a lot of capital and there are not a lot of risks. They did not see the opportunity at first but that was many years ago. Now that I've made a lot of money in MLM, bought a new car and paid the down payment for a new house, they have both joined in my down line as well.

The reason why I am telling you all this is because now anyone can make money in MLM! You don't need any prior business experience, a double degree in aerospace engineering or even family support! All you need to do is invest a small sum of money in a couple of products, a starter kit, a couple of self-improvement books and armed with a desire for success, you will be able to achieve results.

Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame mentions network marketing or MLM one of the most perfect business models in the world because you can cross over from the E (employee) quadrant into the B (big business) quadrant. In other words, you don't need to buy a shop lot or invest in a lot of inventory to be a big businessman - all you need to do is join a network marketing business or opportunity and learn from your up line.

Another reason why network marketing is a good 'big' business is because of the learning curve. Your up line is patient enough to teach you and talk to you about the principles of success. In business, most people are more reserved and keep their trade secrets to themselves. But in network marketing, the up line would want the down line to SURPASS them because the up line would be laughing all the way to the bank.

Finally, now anyone can make money - thanks to MLM.

Jaz Lai is an Online Network Marketing Prospecting Specialist. If you want to succeed in network marketing, download your free white paper and audio on how to use the internet to Double or Triple your organization within the next 30 days. Available for the next 24 hours only, click below for instant access:

