2012年9月30日 星期日

How to Make Money From Your Money

What can you do?

In order to make money, you also need money to make one. But you don't have to invest a lot of money to make more money. You just need a few dollars and some cunning to earn a lot.

Below are some of the ways that you can earn money from the little that you have.

Invest in stocks

It can be really frightening but to those who love to take risks, the rewards of the stock market to can skyrocket when you get lucky. Even a small amounts of money can yield more than you can imagine if you play the market right.

There are actually stocks that are valued in less than a cent. This, you can buy in bulk and see if they go up. When they do, sell the stocks and then buy again. This method of buying and selling can give you a lot of earnings but it can also make you lose a lot.

If you, however, have a few thousands kept, you can always buy blue chips that you can keep in the long run. Blue chip stocks refer to the stocks of big companies that are valued high. These stocks do not often go down in value.

Invest in mutual funds

Another way to make more is to invest in mutual funds. Mutual fund managers pool together the money of a lot of people and then invest them in properties, in the stock market, in government bonds and in other high-yielding investments.

Because the money pooled together is high, one can expect to also get a higher yield compared to when you are investing just for yourself.

It is important though that you study and carefully select the mutual fund company where you will be investing your money in. Make sure that they are credible and have good track records.

Put up a small business

When you have excess money, nothing can yield a higher reward than your own business. Use some of your savings to finance the business. Who knows, your business may become successful! You don't have to start really big. In fact, you can even start off your operations inside your home. Start small and then little by little expand. You will just notice that one day you have a thriving business.

You can start with buying and then selling or perhaps start producing small stuffs that you can easily sell to other people. Think of something that you can design or produce; then sell them off to others. It is good to think of a business that is based on your interests. Consider art or crafts if you are fond of these pastimes.

Time deposits

Although the yield in time deposits is not so high compared to other forms of investments, the risk is small. This is ideal for people who cannot afford to lose their money in various investments. Time deposits are similar to bank accounts except that the initial deposit that they require is larger and you cannot touch your money for a specific period of time.

Some time deposits can last for as short as a month while others can continue for more than 3 years. The longer the period of the time deposit, the higher should the interest be.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on a great business opportunity and learn how to make money checkout his recommended websites.

Making Money - Investing and Your Emotions

Get your thinking and emotions in order before you starting investing in the stock market or else you will lose money and may not recover from the experience.

I always listen to the radio on Saturday mornings when carrying out house chores. The show on this Saturday was about investing in the stock market. As is always the case the host had an expert on board to talk about investing, answer questions and advice people on what to do.

The show I thought was a good idea and was obviously something people were interested in judging from the number of listeners who called to ask questions. However, I was not happy with the adviser, his language was technical and he didn't really answer callers in a way they could understand. I would say he forgot to think of his audience, that they were not investors and would not know what "yield" or "dividend" means.

Anyway, what came out of the show was something I agreed with and had experienced first hand, and that was, how you thought and dealt with your emotions. As you know if you have been reading my articles, the way you think affects how you act. Your emotions also play a major role because if it is not set right and controlled you can find yourself making rash decisions.

I remember my early days investing in the stock market, I invested without thinking, didn't know what made the market move up and down. I also didn't think about my emotions -- greed, fear, excitement. All of which were more important that the actual price of the stock I bought or sold.

Take Apple Computers for example. When news came out that the Beatles were suing Apple Computers, people thought of the consequence and fearful Apple Computers might loose the case, they decided to sell their shares in the company. When other people heard Apple shares were being sold, they too in fear decided to sell, eventually pushes the price down. Forgetting that the facts did not change, Apple was still a good company and their products were loved and bought by millions everyday. What moved the price was fear, not a bad product. The same process moves a share price up.

You see human beings run the stock market, and they like you have emotions and it is your emotions and theirs that moves the market. The prospects of making money investing in the stock market therefore hinges on you thinking and acting independently, having a plan and sticking to it, leaving no room for emotions only facts.

You will be burnt (lose money) if you ignore this fundamental point. My advice to you, sort out your thinking, understand and control your emotions -- especially greed and fear -- before you think of investing in the stock market. Remember you make money by thinking.

Seyi Durojaiye is a recognized authority who has lived through what he teaches. He sees himself as a student always learning in the school of life. His area of interests are thinking, creativity & money You can check out his web site, [http://www.xtramonthlyincome.com], or blog at http://seyidurojaiye.blogspot.com

2012年9月29日 星期六

How To Make Money From Personalized Golf Balls

The world of personalized golf balls is a great niche to tap into to make money.

There are a few ways to do it, and I'd like to cover 3 of them, including the technique I personally use.

I love golf for 2 reasons.

Firstly it's good fun!

I love playing (very badly I might add!) and love watching.

Secondly I love golf because it provides an online market which is more than willing to spend money, and in order to grab some of that money, you simply need to offer the market what it wants.

The personalization of golf equipment may be most obvious with the ball, but someone who pays for that will pay for all sorts of other stuff to be personalized.

Did you know that 'personalized golf balls' as a phrase is searched for online a huge amount of times each and every month?

This is highly targeted traffic, because when someone types that phrase into a search engine, we know what they are after - personalized golf balls! We don't need to guess what they want.

So, how can we profit from this market?

Firstly we can be an affiliate for a company that offers the product.

The advantages are that we don't need any stock, we don't need a website, we just drive traffic to the site, and earn a commission from any sales generated.

Those commissions can add up too, because with a minimum order of 1 box of balls for $50, when you take into account the other offers on the site which also offer us commission, it can be a good earner.

The only downside with this method is that you are competing with all the other affiliates - great for the company, not so good for all the affiliates!

The second method is to set up our own operation to provide personalized golf balls and other gear.

The obvious advantage is that we get to keep all the profit, but the equally obvious disadvantage is that we have to pay out lots in advance, for the stock, website creation, traffic generation, etc, etc.

That's why I wouldn't use that method.

The third method is the one I use.

You don't need a website, or upfront expense - in fact it can be run and maintained at zero cost.

It's providing information.

Information is easy to produce and distribute with today's technology.

People ready to pay for personalization of golf gear will absolutely be interested in information which tells them how to get the cost covered for free!

How about information which tells them how to earn a lot of money from the world of golf, so they can buy as much personalization as they'd ever want!

It really is a simple way to make money online, and once the work is set up, it continues to work on autopilot!

It works for me, and there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be working for you today, so hopefully I've excited you about how you can make money from the world of personalized golf balls.

Gordon Bryan is the author of 'Make Money From Sport,' a guide where he takes you through the single technique he uses again and again to profit from any sport - for just $7! Find out more at: http://www.gordonbryan.com/sport

So Many Ways Of Making Money Online

I find it absolutely amazing how the internet has just permeated into every aspect of our lives. Money used to be represented by gold, copper or other metals. The value of money used to be backed by the amount of gold the issuer had. Then when money was taken off the gold standard, it became represented by paper. The piece of paper in itself had no real value. It was who was printing that piece of paper that mattered. Money became an IOU of sorts. Today, with the internet, money is not even that piece of paper anymore. It is represented just by numbers. Money can be created out of nowhere, and can disappear as quickly. Making money has never been easier. Today, even virtual products can be bought and sold, for real money. All thanks to the internet.

So what are the ways of making money online ? My list is far from exhaustive, I'm sure.

Online marketing has been used in the real world, where real products are bought and sold. Supermarket chains now allow their customers to order their products online. Shopping used to take 2 hours, including travelling time. Not to mention, one had to match one's timing to when the shops were open. Today, you can do your groceries at 1 am, and get them delivered the next day. Just log onto the website, click a few items and pay with your credit card. Done. You don't even need to buy your things from shops in your neighbourhood. The shops don't even need to be in your country. In some cases, the shops don't even exist in the real world, just online. You can get books and many other products from Amazon.com. eBay is virtually synonymous with online buying and selling. You never have to touch a paper dollar. Paypal transfers some numbers from your account to the merchant's account at a click of a button. Selling products online has opened a whole new world of customers. Now you can sell your products to people worldwide. All they need is an internet connection. Then the postal service collects the goods, and ships them over to you. And I thought with the advent of faxes and emails, the postal services will go out of business. Now they are busier than ever.

So what else can one buy with online marketing ? Digital products are becoming increasingly popular. E-books, computer programmes etc can all be sent through the internet. No need to wait for the postal service to deliver the product to you. Just click on the button, pay with paypal or your credit card, a few numbers disappear again, and the product is yours ! Huge business. If the Google advertisements are to be believed, many people are getting rich just selling digital products online. The production costs are minimal. Outlay doesn't cost much. It is hardly surprising these products are able to pay out as high as 50-70% in commissions.

Google and Yahoo! function almost entirely in the internet world. Look how rich their creators have become, and their wealth is still increasing.

Then you can make money online with advertisements. Google AdSense is probably one of the best known ones. People pay Google for its pay-per-click ads, called adwords. Others allow Google to put a few little advertisements on their websites. Hardly complicated. In fact, for the Google people, it's almost nothing, as the advertisements are written by the advertisers themselves. The computer helps them find places for the advertisements to appear. People who want the advertisements simply apply to have them appear on their websites. Someone else clicks on the advertisement, the advertiser gets charged, and the "advertisee" gets paid. Hopefully a sale also results. And Google makes a fortune. They must be hundreds of digital products and blogs / websites all tailored towards making money using AdWords or adsense. These products in themselves generate millions of dollars.

There are also many websites set up specifically for people to get their websites noticed by those searching for similar products. Some are free. Others charge a fee. You can always get a website set up by someone who is technologically savvy, or use one of the many services available.

Then there's affiliate marketing. Wonderful way of making money online. For this, you don't even need to have products. You just borrow other people's products, market it for them, and get paid commissions if the products are sold. Add this on to websites that get created for you, and you barely need to do much work yourself. I've found that you can even pay people to write articles for you to promote the products ! Some places that offer affiliate marketing I've found are clickbank, amazon and the rich dad company.

If all this sounds too complicated, there are the old easy ways of making money online. Enterprising people have put together lists of companies who are happy to pay people to answer surveys online. For a small fee, these companies are able to get surveys to find answers to how their customers feel, what they want and what products they like. They don't have to hire people to do it for them anymore. At a click of a button, they can send the surveys out to many who have registered with them to answer surveys. In the past, someone would have to call each person up and speak to them. As for those answering the surveys, it is really easy money. For a few minutes of their time, at their own leisure, they just click a few answers and the money comes in ! Wonderful concept.

Just a side comment. Trading in stocks and their derivatives have been around for a long time. All this has become so much easier with the internet. Traders no longer need to call up their brokers frantically trying to buy or sell their stocks. That's another way to make money online.

And finally, this one took me by surprise when I first read of it in the newspapers. People are now selling virtual products online. There are many online games, some where players from all over the world meet in the virtual world. Some games involve creating characters with particular powers, or with particular weapons that can be used against other players. The article mentioned that some people were actually paying others real money for virtual weapons !

There are so many ways of making money online. Money is being created everyday this way. And all it takes is a lot of imagination , eyes to see where the money is and a little technical know-how.



Make Money

Sounds easy...Make Money...then why is it then that so many people have such a hard time doing this simple thing?

Or do they?

In one way or another, everyone does make money and in some cases, some people have money made for them.

Money made for them?

We look at people that are "feeding off the system" or they are "on welfare" or "social assistance" and feel that they are just sponging off of society, right?

What if this was actually very close to a millionaires mindset?



Here is the thing, the difference and the only difference is that millionaires are giving more service and as a result, they are being compensated by society.

So it would then stand to reason that the people in the middle are the fools, right?


Millionaires understand how to have money made for them, it is called leverage, they are in the position of service, offering a product, service, opportunity, leadership or any combination of these and they get paid by the same society that pays the people that we see to be sponging.

Do I endorse Welfare or Social Assistance, yes I do. I endorse it when the person in receipt of it does not have the means to provide for themselves. Everybody else that is on it just needs to understand that they are meant for greatness. They should wake-up to that fact by taking action in their life, setting some goals (start with very small attainable goals) as I suggest in this article I also wrote: http://ezinearticles.com/?Success-Is-Attained-By-Focusing-On-Your-Goals---Simple-Guidelines-Revealed-Here&id=259438 then going for and attaining them, is what they are meant to accomplish in life.

I also believe that people working in a job are actually not in a much better place. They are dependent on a pay check every couple of weeks, most are unhappy (I understand it to be 90 percent) and as a result, they do not put in 100% to their job. Anything less than 100% means they are getting compensated for something that they did not do.

So here it is, make money, discover and then do something you are genuinely happy doing. Yes, it may start off uncomfortable; you may have to fight for it, but is your happiness and your greatness not worth fighting and taking risks for? Failure is always an option, just as I wrote in this article: http://www.ezinearticles.com/?Failure-Is-An-Option!&id=233194 take some time to assess your choices, there is always a choice.

We are all meant for greatness, we are all meant to make money and yes, it is easy.

If you have faith in yourself and do something that you love to do, it will never be a job; it will be the foundation to your life and a legacy for the future.

Now all you have to do is figure out what you are meant to do and obviously you are close, or you would not be reading this article. If you need a hand to learn how to make money, give me a call, I am happy to be of assistance; guiding people to greatness is what I do.

Greg Nicholls is a business advisor and also a professional coach. Check out all the areas Greg is available to serve you at his website [http://www.gregnicholls.ca] and you will learn how you can apply the principles of success to your life.

Greg Nicholls

Nicholls Enterprises


+1-(604) 940-4289

Skype Name: deserve.money

To receive an advanced copy of Greg's e-Book, "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Success But Were Afraid To Ask" then be sure to become a subscriber to his weekly newsletter at [http://www.DeserveMoney.com]

2012年9月28日 星期五

Google Adwords and Making Money

There is no doubt in my mind that Google, together with eBay, Yahoo and Amazon, is one of the biggest revolutions that the Internet has provided to us.

Today, Google is worth over US$100 billion simply because it has managed to successfully exploit the money-making potential of what is still its free service - the Google Search Engine!

How did it do so? With a product called Google Adwords. As I've said in my other blogs, Google's main competitor today is not Yahoo or MSN. It competes with the traditional, more established MEDIA companies like CNN, NBC, BBC etc.

Why? Let's suppose you want to advertise a product or service. A few years ago, you would have placed an advert in the newspaper, on radio and/or on TV. True, you can still do so today but you now have another great choice. To advertise on Google Adwords!

Google today reaches more people than any national TV company. And it only advertises your product to people who have shown a vague interest in it by typing some relevant keywords in its search engine. Even better, you do not have to pay Google a cent unless someone clicks on the link to the product or service you advertised. Now do you understand why it is a huge success?

So does this mean that you should use Google AdWords to make money online? The answer is No, you should use Google AdWords only to market a product or service online!

Google is great to divert traffic to your website - for the ordinary home-based business, there is probably no better tool. But it can be very dangerous - use it like a knife. The costs can rack up very quickly. If you are on a limited marketing budget, this will be costly.

Since I have lost over US$2,500 spending money on Google Adwords, I cannot claim to be an expert at it. But I am sure that if there is one lesson you can draw from it, is BE CAREFUL OF Google Adwords. It is not a licence to print money like some people claim. And if you do want to use Google AdWords to promote your product or service, be sure to buy an ebook on how to use it - I have given a selection below. The cost of one ebook will be far less than what you will WASTE ON Google AdWords if you do not know what you are doing. Trust me!

As stated above, use Google Adwords, only to market a product or service. Do not use it together with marketing sites such as Clickbank or Commission Junction to drive traffic to other people's sites. Clickbank wins, Google wins, the publisher wins, BUT YOU WILL LOSE!

Make sure that you have set aside a marketing budget to spend on Google AdWords and state your maximum spending limit on Adwords. Otherwise, you will literally burn money that you can't afford!

Make sure that you use the broadmatch function with the keywords you are buying - they will give you more visibility on Google;

If you own your own website, use Google AdSense too (see my related blog), this will give you a residual source of income;

Remember that Google AdWords ranks your listing using various criteria. The price you are willing to pay is only one of them, albeit a major one. A listing that generates more clicks can well be placed above yours if it is generating more clicks.

This means that when you have started purchasing a keyword, you should expect to pay more. But if you have generated some successful clicks, you should bid less and hence reduce your costs. You may still be placed around the same average position or maybe even better.

Log into your Google AdWords account every day and monitor your costs. Otherwise, the costs will quickly spiral out of control. You can run a budget of several millions of dollars if you are a large company. If if you are the small home-based business who is marketing his (or someone else's) product, chances are that you are generating this marketing money out of your paycheck or savings. So clearly, this money is limited and means a lot to you. Actively monitor the keywords that are generating clicks, and lower your bids on those that have been generating clicks;

Remember, Google AdWords is like a car. It can be used to take you from A to B, but it can get you into a nasty accident. So just like you would learn how to drive a car before actually driving, I strongly urge you to buy one of the following ebooks and read thoroughly before you start using Google Adwords.

Whilst I have carefully chosen 3 ebooks to suit various extents to which you want to use Google Adwords, I think that they are all of value and the price you pay, in every case, is well worth what it can otherwise cost you.

How much time will Google AdWords require from you? As much as you are willing to give. I spend about 1 hour every day reviewing my campaigns (when I run them). But you will need to do more than that - say 2/3 hours a day - when you start in order to get the hang of it.

And finally, remember that Google takes money by bank transfer out of your bank account each month. So make sure you have money to pay for the marketing. Non-payment will result in account suspension and a bad credit rating.

Good luck!


Make Money Online!

So you want to make money working at home!

Do you think you are the alone one to do this. No, you are not alone. Recent search results reveals that the term 'make money' is used for almost 100,000 times in one month as keywords for search engines. Yes, a number of people want to make money working at home. But they are new in this field and don't know how to do it. Most of them want to make money without doing any work but that's not going to happen as nobody else is going to work for you. First of all keep in mind that you have to do hard work to make money online. You must have proper dedication, determination and devotion.

Actually you don't have a lot of the skills needed to build a web site (or e-commerce site) for pulling in the any (or big) dough. Just learn about following three things to do this:

How to register a domain.
How to get your domain hosted.
How to set up a redirect.

Now think about something you know or are capable of researching and start writing some articles utilizing your knowledge. You can also start blogging about subject matter. Remember writing an article is must to be a good web master as you always be in need of good contents for your website. You don't need any high knowledge of English major for it, just writing a basic article will do. Link your articles to your site and submit these articles to the directories.

There are several web sites providing you free tutorials about building web sites. You can learn so many things from forums also. Try to understand all aspects of running a website to get rid of being scared.

Always learn new things. You don't have to spend your valuable money to know all the secrets but you can think to buy anything you think or know will help you.

Remember you can earn money with targeted effort.

Here also - at this web site - you can get some helpful information.

Good luck!

GK Awadhiya is a freelance writer. Please visit his website: http://agoodplace4all.com

2012年9月27日 星期四

How Affiliates Can Make Money Long Term

Why do we as affiliates look at our business through short term lenses? Why do we devote a spurt of energy to a given business opportunity and then give up on it. Are we guilty of just looking for fast and easy money without putting in the time to really gain an understanding of what we are doing?

The question "why" can be very frustrating. This is especially so if you have not thought it out. You know when your child keeps coming up to you asking you "why" and you get irritated because you really do not understand "why". This may be due to the fact that you are just following what somebody else told you, without ever going into the question. This is especially so today since most of the time we just want quick answers. The reason I ask the question "why" pertains to one thing and one thing only. The fact is this, many of us are always looking to others for answers, tips and techniques and furthermore somewhere to lay the blame when our efforts fail to produce results.

Until you understand you and the way you function then you will always be jumping from one opportunity to the next. You have to ask yourself a serious question. What am I really looking to achieve. Many would answer - I just want to make money online and achieve the life of luxury. Then there are those who have a passion for something but just do not know how to execute a plan

The latter have a better chance of succeeding. If all you seek is money you have to wonder why this is so important to you. Money as we know is probably the only real way of achieving tangible freedom, but beyond that what relationships will you have if all your concerned about is money.

Many of us have experienced the difference between dealing with people who are only out for money and those who have a genuine concern for you and the service or product they offer.

The point is this. Take stock of who you are. You after all will be running your business. You will be the one who will have to allocate time and resources to make it work. You will be the one who will have to accept failure and mistakes. The buck stops here. Remember understanding is not something conclusive. So before you do anything else either online or offline stop and reflect on what it is you are doing and why you are doing it.

Generate additional affiliate revenue as an Audio book affiliate [http://www.exploreaudiobooks.com/Audio-Books-Affiliate-Program.html] even if you are new to affiliate marketing you can also learn how to build a web site that can sell any product or service. Select the above link and watch a Free Video. Learn about internet marketing and business with business audio books [http://www.exploreaudiobooks.com/list.aspx?catId=26] Learn Internet marketing strategies. [http://www.exploreaudiobooks.com/Title.aspx?titleId=9136]

Tip for Making Money Online

Before you start the process of trying to find money online, keep in mind that this is a journey that will take you to many different web sites. Some of these will work for you while others will not. Sometimes finding the right sites for you means that you must sign up for these sites to figure it out. At this point I think I have signed up for at least 20 sites. This means 20 emails to welcome to to their web site. At least 10 of these sites sent me another email asking me to confirm my email address. I joined two forums that send me a new update each time someone posts on a thread that I started. So far I have received at least 200 emails from those two sites. So far that is 230 emails.

What is my point? The first step in making money online is creating a new email address. Do not use your personal email address because your inbox will be so full of emails from these sites that it will be impossible to dig out the actual personal emails.

Another reason is that sometimes these sites sell your email address to other companies. This means that these companies will take your email address and spam you with every piece of information they can. If you are like me you already get enough offers to consolidate your credit or go to college for free. Why add to it?

Keeping a separate email address will keep your life clutter free and make it easier to find what you are looking for.

Rylee Rider is 24 year old student currently researching the sources of making money online. You can read more from her at: http://findingmoneyonline.blogspot.com/

You Can Make Money With Online Surveys

Internet is one of the greatest innovations of the modern times. It has created an extremely interesting field of information and also an infinite medium for wealth creation. It is a tool that can turn dust into gold - if you are serious about making money and are willing to work for it.

You will read a lot of hype about automatic money-spinners, affiliate programs, etc. Some might work and some might not. However, somehow getting money without working for it does not sound true. Or right. Maybe I belong to the old school of thought, but I would always prefer to work for my money. In that way, I would be happy about my achievement. Else, I would always wonder whether the money would stay with me or not. You must have heard of the adage, "Easy come, easy go".

Making money with online surveys is not a difficult task. It takes a little time - about 15-20 minutes usually - to fill a survey and it does not demand any special skills of you. I would say that making money with online survey is a middle path between doing nothing and working hard for your money.

Surveys are very important tools for gauging the market before, during and after launching a product or service. Large companies and corporate chalk out their marketing, business expansion and future diversification strategies based on the feedback the market give them. Hence, they have large budgets earmarked for this purpose.

One of the preferred ways to get this feedback is through online surveys. Hence, this becomes your opportunity to earn some extra income. Depending upon the time you can give this task, the type of Internet connectivity you have, your location and demographic details you can make some good extra cash for yourself and/or your family.

A few things you will need to keep in mind:

oYou can save a lot of time by registering with reputed survey websites (registration is often free), which will send you the right surveys to fill in;

oYou will need to set a goal (how much money do you need per week/ per month) for yourself and then calculate roughly how much time you need to devote per day to attain your goal;

oSeek to improve your technique and resources constantly. You can always do it better, faster and with higher payment. Keep improving on your past experiences;

oBe serious about your work. Complete the surveys carefully and as per the required guidelines.

oStay within the deadlines given to you. Being dependable would improve your chances for bonus and high preference with the survey program

oKeep your fingers in many pies. Here it is wise not to depend on only one resource (survey program). Always have a more than 2-3 so in case one shuts down or it is too slow, you have a fallback system, which will not harm your aimed-at monetary goal

Learn to Earn Tons of Cash [http://www.paid-to-do-online-surveys.com] with Online surveys Our Site is FREE with Tons of ADvice on making Extra Money With Online Surveys. Log On to Paid-to-do-online-surveys.com

2012年9月26日 星期三

How to Make Money Online Honestly

Millions of people come online everyday looking for a way to honestly earn some extra income. Each person has their own reason for doing so. It could be a disabled person looking to supplement their disability check, a recently laid off employee or someone like me. I'm getting up there in age and would like to have an additional monthly income to add to whatever my retirement check will be.

What I've learned from talking to a lot of people is that the majority think that all work at home programs are scams and sometimes it can be down right difficult to convince them otherwise.It's true there are many scams on the Internet right now, but there are also a lot of legitimate programs that mislead people into believing they can make money instantly with little effort on their part. As a result, they end up being labeled as scams also.

Well, the truth is that if you want to make money online, you can do it, but it is going to cost you. It takes time and money to start building a monthly income worth bragging about. How much you are willing to invest in either is entirely up to you. If you aren't willing to invest, you really should consider another method for earning income. I know this may sound a bit harsh, but better you get it straight up front rather than figuring it out AFTER you've maxed out your credit cards or exhausted your savings account right?

Once you recognize and accept the above facts, your next obstacle to get past is selecting the right opportunity. For me, choosing the right product/service is essential because so many people only focus on how much they can earn from a program and not even realize the product/service basically sucks! Hey, I have to call it like it is.

When I first started out, I was guilty of looking at the money aspect only. Some of the programs, I actually knew the product was worthless and still promoted it. That didn't last long, because my "old school" values kicked in and I just couldn't operate like that anymore. Although not an expert, I'm not a "newbie" anymore, but I always look at a program from their perspective. If I believe they can't use the product or service, I won't recommend it.

Another factor I look at is the cost of the program. There are some programs that are actually pretty good and may be of some use for a "newbie", but require $50 monthly to participate. A potential sponsor will more than likely try to encourage the "newbie" to join anyway because once he/she gets enough sign ups, his/her expenses will be covered. Yeah, right! What if takes 6, 8 or even 10 months to get the required number of sign ups to cover those expenses? This could be pretty costly for that new person who really can't afford it but is going for the dream.

I believe that when choosing a "work at home opportunity" you should use the product/service offered and evaluated it yourself. If you don't get any benefit from it, neither will the person you're trying to sell to. Sure, the money may look good and you may sign up (sucker) a few "newbies" into joining you, but your drop-out rate will be pretty high as you head down the path of failure. Pretty soon, you will drop the program yourself and may even end up calling it a scam because you didn't make any money with it.So, to sum it all up, the best way to make money online is to find a product or service that provides an opportunity for it's users to earn money by referring others. Make sure YOU actually find the product/service useful and affordable and use it! Tell all your friends and associates about it and then promote, promote, promote.

Edward Gause is webmaster of the Honesty in Internet Marketing and publishes the Honest Online Marketing Tips Newsletter, a weekly ezine targeting the interests of novice internet marketers. When you get the chance, visit: http://www.honest-marketing.com

Why Some Home Business Marketing Consultants Make Money So Easily And Effortlessly

One powerful reason why making money at home as a marketing consultant is so simple is that the "product" you're selling (i.e. your ability to help the client explode their sales) is a pretty cut and dry thing.

In other words, unlike most home businesses where you have objection after objection from your leads and prospective clients, you really only have two with marketing consulting.

One is the feeling that "Oh, I'm doing fine. I can do this myself."

The second is, "I don't want to invest the money."

There are others, but they rarely come up and, even when they do, they're easily dealt with.

And the good news is that when it comes to the two objections above, either way the solution is the same:

Before you ask the prospect to invest in you as a marketing consultant, you simply need to show him where the money's going to come and how. And if you do this starting from the beginning of your presentation to him, your chances of either of those objections coming up are almost non-existent.

Let me give you an example of a very common scenario that happens when I go in and meet with a new client.

Let's say I'm talking to a business owner, and I ask him a question. I say, "Well, you have two sales people."

And, he says, "Yes."

"What is their conversion rate or how many people are they closing right now?"

And he says, "Well, I think they're closing about two out of ten."

And, I say, "Well, that's great. If my marketing system that I'll help implement into your

business could raise that from two to three out of ten, or even four or five out of ten, can you see how much more money that would make you?"

And, he says, "Yeah, that would be great."

"Well, that's what that marketing system will help you do. It will help you raise that conversion rate from two to three (or more). Can see how that might make you another $100,000 a year. Does that make sense?"

And, he says, "Yeah, I can see that."

See what I mean?

All I'm doing is simply showing him how he's going to be making a lot of money. Money he wouldn't see otherwise without my help. Money he doesn't even have to spend money to get because our service more than pays for itself.

People sometimes wonder if it really is that simple to get clients.

But it is, and I know it is because I see people starting with no money, skills or experience jump into this business and succeed in it all the time simply by showing clients where the money is in hiring them.

R. Johnston has been a marketing consultant and teacher for over 20 years, and has generated well over $100,000,000 in sales for his clients. He was personally trained by the legendary Jay Abraham and is one of the most "in demand" marketing consultants in the world. Today, he publicly shares his million-dollar secrets 100% free of charge at: http://hardtofindseminars.com/AudioclipsH.htm

Ways to Make Money Quickly, Legally

So, you are in a bind. Your rent is due and you don't have the funds available to pay your landlord? What to do? Well, after praying about your next step the revelation you receive may be not what you had expected. Perhaps you were looking for a miracle instead perhaps God has shown you ways for you to work out your problem quickly and legally. Yes, there are many ways to make money that are honest and smart. Let's take a look at some of them right now.

Ways to make money are perhaps much more numerous than you first thought:

Hold a garage sale: Chances are you have some things around your house that you no longer are in need of. If so, hang a sign out front and invite neighbors and "drive bys" to visit you. While you may not own a big ticket item that can garner you a nice return, a bunch of smaller items including clothes, bric-a-brac, books, etc. could push you over the top.

Ebay: Not everyone is fond of garage or yard sales. In addition, if you have a special item which you know could bring in more money if you could advertise it, consider eBay or another online auction site to sell what-have-you. EBay has proven to be one of the biggest ways to make money that there is today.

Bake, clean, or provide another service: Not everyone has the time or inclination to cook for themselves, pick up their dry cleaning, mow the lawn, clean, etc. You neighbors may be too busy to take care of their yard but would gladly pay someone they know such as you to do the work for them. Offer to organize their attic or garage and don't be shy to charge them a decent rate. Perhaps in exchange for money they will offer to you whatever is in their garage of value. This can one of the ways to make money as you resell what they have online or in your next yard sale.

Online help: If you own a computer and have internet access, then this can be one of the ways to make money quickly and legally. Sometimes blog managers will pay for posters to add a few paragraphs of comments to their sites while others will be glad if you moderate their forums. Either way, if there is money involved you can raise cash that way too.

Watch the kids: Not everyone likes to babysit other children, but perhaps you are already "giving that service away" when your friends drop their children off to play with your kids. Let's be smart about it: are you providing a play date or babysitting services? If the latter, start charging by the hour to make sure your hard work gets a return on the investment!

Yes, there are many ways to make money you hadn't thought of in the past. Don't borrow off of your credit card and don't take out a loan you won't be able to repay later. Chances are there is a service you can provide, an item you could sell, or something you can offer that will bring in money quickly. Are there many ways to make money? Yes! Find out what they are and step forward in faith today.

Copyright 2006 ? For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

2012年9月25日 星期二

Making Money Without Money

If you are looking to make money without money, then you have come to the right place. You see, I hate paying for anything. I don't like to hand out money for websites, for programs, for music, and especially for software. I love the idea of free stuff. So when it comes to making money, I prefer to do it for free. Below I lay out some ideas on how to make money without money.

The reason most of us start looking for other ways to make money is because we need some. So, to have to come up with some money to make some money most likely won't happen. We then turn to the internet. I mean, after all, there is a tone of free stuff there. The problem is that there is almost too much stuff. So much so, that one gets overwhelmed and just never gets started. Let's do this: Forget what you have learned and been told, and see if we can come up with a game plan.

For starters, what is something you like? You need to figure this out before you move on. This is what your product will be about. Got something? Good. For the sake of this article, I will say I like building birdhouses. Next, you need to find something about your product to sell. There are many affiliate programs you can join for free which may have products about your topic to sell. Just go to Google, and do a search on "your product affiliate program". This should return a decent list to get something going.

Next, you need a free site to set up. Go to Squidoo, and get a free website, or what they call a lens. Ensure you use your product in the title. Mine would squidoo/birdhouses. Now, set up the lens with the information you want. Squidoo has a bunch of different modules you can add. They also allow affiliate links, so feel free to add those as well. Now you have a website set up for free, with affiliate links about your product. One item left: Traffic.

The best way to drive traffic to this type of a website is with EzineArticles. They have a page rank 6, so Google ranks them fairly high. Start writing articles about your topic. Write about 10 different articles, covering all aspects of your product, and send the traffic all to the Squidoo site. Before long, you will be making some decent money. Then just go and do it again for another product.

There is nothing like making money online. And even better is when you can make it without having to spend any of your own money. With so many methods out there, you need to focus on just one at a time. The one I laid out above has proven to be very profitable for me. Hopefully, you can also make some money without money.

Michael Baker is providing free Tips and Guides for marketing your website. From setting up free websites, to free SEO tips, and how to use articles, http://www.tips-and-guides.com can get you started in the right direction.

Make Money From Website

Making Money From Advertising

If you look at many websites, you will probably notice that there are banner advertisements displayed on most pages. If you are a newcomer to the scene, you might think that you must either be a company or that your site must be famous before you can get advertisers, just as it is the case in hardcopy publications.

In reality, anyone with a website can get advertisers. While it is true that if your site is well-known, you may get companies contacting you to offer to advertise on your site, you can get advertising revenue even if you are just starting out and your site is relatively unknown.

The way to do this is to join as an "affiliate" of various sites, either directly, or through an affiliate network. An affiliate network is simply an intermediary where you can select from a variety of advertisers.

Payment Schemes

Before joining any program, you should probably be aware of the different payment schemes available.

Pay Per Impression

Here, you are paid according to the number of times the advertiser's banner is displayed on your site. The amount you earn is typically calculated based on the number of thousand impressions of the banner (impressions = number of times the banner is displayed), often abbreviated CPM (cost per thousand, with the M being the Latin numeral for thousand). That is, $5 CPM means that you get paid $5 for 1,000 displays of the banner. In general, the amount paid is usually small, but it is easy to earn since every time a visitor loads the page, you earn. This is known as a "high conversion rate". Needless to say, this method will allow you to automatically earn more if your site attracts a lot of visitors.

Pay Per Click

When you are paid per click, you are only paid when visitors click the advertiser's banner on your site. The amount paid is usually higher than the pay per impression scheme. Whether you get a high conversion rate here depends on the banner (whether it attracts people to click it), although in general, it has a higher conversion rate than the pay per sale method. A high traffic site will probably enjoy a higher click rate than a lower traffic site, although you will probably get better results if your banners are carefully selected to suit the target audience of your site.

Pay Per Sale or Lead

While you will probably get the highest payment rates with this method, it has the lowest conversion rate of the three schemes. You will only earn if your visitors click through the banner and either purchase an item from the advertiser or take some other prescribed action (eg, sign up for a service). Like the Pay Per Click method, you get much better results if you carefully select your advertisers to suit the target audience of your site.

In general, to avoid wasting resources in issuing cheques for very small amounts, advertisers will usually accrue the amount owing to you until it reaches a certain level (such as $25) before they pay you.

Where to Find Affiliate Programs

To join an affiliate network or program, simply go to the site and complete their online application form. Some programs will give you instant approval while others require a human to check out your application before it is approved. Once it is approved, you'll be given some HTML code which you can cut and paste into your web page. Note that some affiliate networks and programs will not accept you unless you have a domain name.

How To Choose An Affiliate Program

How should you choose an affiliate program? My suggestion is not to choose a program according to the payment scheme, but rather according to the kind of people who are likely to visit your website. For example, if you are targeting parents on your site, links to affiliates with educational software, books and the like may generate more revenue than banners that link to web hosting companies. The most important rule of choosing an affiliate program is to know your target audience.

Another point to consider is whether you really want to join every single affiliate program that comes your way. Some studies suggest that sites that make the most money from affiliate programs are affiliates of only a small handful of programs. Furthermore, concentrating your advertisements from one network may allow you to be paid faster. If you advertise for hundreds of different affiliate networks on your site, you may wind up earning only (say) a few dollars per month from each network. If your advertiser's minimum payment amount is higher than what you can earn each month, it may take you a long time before you accrue enough to be paid.

On the other hand, that formula does not necessarily hold true for every site (or every page on your site, for that matter). For example, if your site has a particular theme, and an affiliate network only supports one or two suitable advertisers, you might want to sign up for a few affiliate networks so as to get a greater number of relevant advertisers. After all, advertisements that are relevant to your audience are more likely to be taken up than general advertisements. (What's the point of putting banners from only one affiliate if nobody is going to click them?)


Paula (Marketonair Director)


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Make Money With ClickBank's Affiliate Program

The internet is a virtual community where people can come together and communicate with one another within only a few mouse clicks. This is one of the reasons why so many people keep their sites up-to-date with the latest features and applications.

The success you will be able to achieve in your affiliate marketing efforts will depend greatly on the amount of exposure your website and the product on it receives. For that reason, you will need to get backlinks from as many sources as possible in order to bring awareness to the product. You can achieve all of this by posting comments on forums, blogs, banners and numerous other sites all over the web.

The more people who stumble upon your link, the more traffic you will be able to generate to your website. This will heighten your chances of getting a sale. ClickBank is very easy to use since you do not have to come up with a new agreement with every business that you decide to invest in, just get the appropriate affiliate link and begin promoting it.

ClickBank is one of the best affiliate programs, primarily because of the ability of beginners to pick it up and start making money from it right away. With ClickBank you will receive some of the most handsome commission packages, where those of you who are new to internet marketing with equal opportunity to earn a substantial amount of money from the comfort of your own home.

With ClickBank, no matter how many products that you decide to promote, all of it will be collated into a single account, this way you will not be made to sell a certain amount of a specific product before you receive any money. This is primarily because you will be paid for all the products that you were able to sell on a single account, meaning you'll receive combined payments for all products sold.

With ClickBank, it's possible for you to sell, buy and promote products such as membership sites, software programs and eBooks. The products cover a wide range of subjects depending on what the end user is looking for.

Choosing the right product is integral to your success online. You want to find the product that is the most sellable and that you can profit the most from. You can use free tools and services to promote your products online. You can also use a number of paid methods such as PPC to increase your earning from specific ClickBank products.

Uchenna Ani-Okoye has been writing articles online for several years now. This author specializes in a range of topics such as health, computers and home appliances, you can check out his websites Free Affiliate Programs, which covers topics pertaining to internet marketing, and: Search Bonanza.

2012年9月24日 星期一

How To Make Money Using Internet Marketing Tools?

Your LIFE-GOAL Is: take out of the internet enough money to quit your current job? Is that Right? Making money on the Internet in most cases mean using Internet marketing tools and strategies. Most Internet gurus are trying to advise you to use one of their own products. They promise you that trucks with Swiss gold will come right into your apartment while you are sitting and watching a baseball match. Do you think that could be true? The right answer is... YES!


Not in each case, not with each tool, not each time!
Any truck is too big to fit doors of most apartments! Unfortunately!
You have to do something near your computer before the start of the baseball game.
As to quantity of gold... there are MANY people around you who made FORTUNE on the Internet! THAT IS HOLY TRUE! They live on the planet Earth just as you do! Most of them are young, very young! Most of them have NO deep programming skills - they are just not needed for making money on the Internet!

So, how those young and uneducated people made money on the Internet? Please note: they made money not just for quitting their jobs - they made FORTUNES! And that is FACT! Are they lucky? Definitely! Do they work hard? That depends on how much lucky they are! What do they do? They pick and use Internet marketing tools!

Where they get the tools?

From 3% to 5% of Internet gurus invent and produce their own tools!

From 95% to 97% of Internet gurus use pre-selected Internet marketing tools. They are just not too lazy to BUY and try the tools. Besides, it is free! If a tool gives them money they use it, if not - they just take their money back and buy another tool!

So, they try and buy each and every Internet marketing tool that brings them more money than they have to pay for this tool. And they do that constantly!

It is that simple!

Dr. Giorgio Frangiolli, [http://Internet1marketing.com].

Quality Market Research - February 2011.

Subject: Internet Marketing Tools.

Goal: Getting Income from the Internet.

Method: pick and evaluate quality online marketing tools, such as Internet marketing courses & step by step guides, tools for affiliates, SEO tools, web hosting & design, link building, free traffic autopilot soft, article marketing and more.

How To Make Money Writing Simple Web Articles

Are you looking for legitimate work online? Can you put words together and write a coherent paragraph? Are you an aspiring freelance writer who wants to make money writing web articles? If you can answer "yes" to two of these three questions, then you can probably qualify to become what is known in the industry as an SEO writer. There's never been a time in the history of the Internet when the need for this kind of writing has been greater. So, yes, there is a demand for these writers and you can get paid to write.

If you've never heard of it before, SEO stands for "search engine optimization." When used in reference to website feature stories it refers to keyword friendly articles designed to capture the attention of Internet search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing. There's a skill to being able to write a well-crafted SEO article, and people who develop that skill can virtually name their price when selling their services to Internet businesses.

Internet search engines eat up unique content. So there is a constant demand for up-to-date original content. Search engine sites are always looking for the most relevant content to serve up to their client: the typical web surfer who uses the Internet to seek information about whatever topic concerns him. Search engines use keywords and keyword phrases in order to identify which web pages to present to information seekers.

Internet businesses and marketers need targeted traffic to their websites, people who are interested in the products and services that they offer. In order to land at the top of the search engine results page, these marketers need content covering the most commonly searched for terms in the niche they're in. And since the typical web searcher is apt to use a variety of search terms in order to find what he's looking for, there's a need to have written content that contains as many of those search terms as possible.

This is where the enterprising SEO writer comes in by providing these businesses with well written content in the form of short articles that contain these search terms. A good writer may receive an order for 5 or 10 articles at a time, each using a different keyword or phrase that the client wants to target. These articles can be any length, but typically are between 350 and 500 words long. So, they don't take a whole lot of time to write.

A good SEO writer can earn upwards of $25 or more for each article he completes to his client's satisfaction. While there is a knack to being able to write SEO articles, it's not that difficult to learn. In fact there resources available on the Internet that will assist anyone interested in learning about this. One such resource can be found on the SEOmoz.org website in the form of a free 30-page eBook about SEO.

But what can be a challenge to figure out is how to turn this into a lucrative business. If you are new to this kind of writing for money business, it helps to know what to do and not to do regarding how to obtain a steady paying client. It also helps to know how to effectively interact with a client in a knowledgeable way so that he can feel comfortable choosing your service over someone else's. Yet, obtaining this knowledge can be fraught with having to weed your way through the charlatans and riffraff on the Internet who only seek to take your money while providing you with useless, out-dated, or inappropriate information.

Don't be fooled by the slick websites (like Real Writing Jobs dot com and At Home Writing Jobs dot com) who attempt to part you from your money without providing value. Do your homework and only deal with reputable sources and real people who present up-front credentials, real world information, and a money back guarantee.

To learn more about how to turn your freelance writing into a successful business as an SEO writer, please click on this further review of this Make Money Writing Web Articles program.

If you need more information before taking a decision, check out this further evaluation of Yuwanda Black's information product at Writing For Money: Turn Your Writing Talent Into A Business.

How to Use The Online Tools to Make Money Fast

Your email inbox might be filled with a lot of emails from different companies that offer you products that can help you earn thousands of dollars in a short time. You are not sure if you can believe these email and you want to know the truth about the online income tools and methods.

As with any other business, online business also requires some investments. However, the investments for online businesses are much lower than for traditional businesses. You need to know how to use some simple tricks and how to attract visitors to your website.

The most important ways to make money online are online shops, affiliate marketing, paid surveys, article writing, social marketing networks and other forms of product promotions. Some of these methods are easy and they don't require much training. If you really want to earn money online fast, you need to get enough learning resources and use the theory in practice.

Online shops are very popular and they can help you earn money fast, if you have good and interesting products. It is not enough to have interesting products, you also need to know how to do the good marketing. Social networks are the right places to promote your products and find new customers.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online. It is a simple method that helps companies find their customers through affiliates. As an affiliate, you are responsible for the promotion of different products. Every time you lead a customer to a merchant's website, you will receive commissions. Different products have different commissions. Some of the companies are willing to pay up to seventy percent of the product's price to the affiliates. You can use email list building, article marketing or your own website to promote different products and earn money online.

Paid surveys will not make you earn money fast, but they are a good way to earn some extra cash online. It is easy to fill the online surveys and you don't need to have any special knowledge to do it. You just need to answer some simple questions that will help the companies learn more about the feedback from their customers.

Social marketing networks offer many possibilities to earn money online. You can create groups and attract followers to your groups. If you provide the members of your groups with some interesting content, they will be happy to follow you. You can promote many different products to the members of your social network groups.

By the way, here are some more resources on how to earn money fast.

I wish you a lot of success in your online business efforts.

I am currently living in China, improving my language skills. I have an experience in language learning. I have worked in foreign countries such as Spain, Switzerland, Austria and now China. I like foreign cultures, travel, meeting new people. I am also interested in self-improving, environmental protection, technology. Thank you for reading my articles, please contact me for any further improvements and suggestions.

Sasa Sijak


2012年9月23日 星期日

How Can A Blog Help Me Make Money?

The internet revolution has opened many opportunities to earn money online. There are many people who are using various internet methods to earn extra money. There are many ways that can help you to earn extra money. However, the most preferred method to earn money is from a blogging. You can use your writing skills to earn decent cash monthly. However, you require certain understanding such as monetizing a blog, keywords, Search engine optimization, etc. These understandings will help you to get huge traffic of visitors, which certainly is a main goal that helps to earn money. Moreover, another important thing is the precise implementation of these methods.

The first step to start the blogging is to start writing about your experiences and learning's. It is important to write about subjects that readers will find both valuable and interesting. At first, it is advocated that writing a blog requires the understanding of keywords. A keyword is set a word, which people usually type in a search engine to find the information. Researching and using right keywords is essential to get a good page ranking. A good page ranking will keep the content of your page visible at the first page of search engine.

A good search engine ranking will help to generate traffic, which is crucial for making money from blogging. After writing a good content with the keywords, it is time that you must monetize the blog. Monetizing requires signing up with the advertising network. There are few types of advertising network such as contextual marketing, text marketing and affiliate marketing. The contextual marketing and text marketing networks pay the money to display the relevant ads. The affiliate marketing network is a commission based network, which pay when you induce sales of their products or services.

In conclusion, a consistent and interesting blog can attract traffic to your web-site, build solid relationships with your readers, and therefore provide a platform on which to sell your services and products.

Aileen Gallagher is a successful business coach and online marketer working with a team of entrepreneurial internet marketers all of whom she coaches on a one to one basis in order to emulate her success.

To find out more about Aileen's home business opportunity, click here http://sixfigurebootcampwithaileen.com

Who is Aileen Gallagher?

How To Make Money From Fixed Price Projects

Fixed price projects seem to be a problem for many of you. In recent discussions with a variety of professional services businesses it is clear that for you fixed price projects are rarely profitable, and often a source of problems and most times a situation where you lose money. Yet despite this you seem to ignore your experiences and through gritted teeth continue to offer fixed priced projects to clients.

Let's be honest fixed price work is very appealing to your clients and prospects; it gives them confidence because they get a firm price for delivery of a project (web site) (IT system). So why is it so easy to lose money on this type of work? Simply as a result of three problems, firstly most businesses and especially professional services businesses aren't sufficiently detailed in their analysis of what work needs to be done, secondly as a result of poor communication and management of client expectations and thirdly a lack of commercial awareness.

Following a few simple steps you can turn these troublesome children which lose money into profitable business with happy clients.

The first problem is not having a handle on the amount of effort involved in providing the service you are offering. This is often the root cause of you losing money fixed price work. Why? because you tend to be too optimistic about how long it will actually take to complete the work. Also as there is no clarity on what effort it will take because there is no detailed scope of work. Not doing this basic estimating first creates a problem for you because you can't clearly define the limits of what you will do for the price and as a result your customer can drag you into doing much more work than you expected but all within the original quote for the fixed price work.

It is fair to say that most IT businesses do not or rather cannot analyse their work in a detailed fashion. This is critical in any fixed price quote because if you don't know what you are going to do how can you price it?

The second problem comes from that dangerous word "assume". That is you assume that your customer understands the basis on which you are quoting and how much effort you are going to put into your fixed price work. Your customer by contrast assumes that you can read his mind and understands his assumptions, which of course only come to light when you think you've finished the work and he thinks there is a lot more for you to do. So stop putting yourself in a position to lose money by writing down exactly what you will do and to what level of detail.

So don't assume anything, let you client or prospect know IN WRITING clearly and up front what you will be doing and in how much detail. Then get them to sign that off. Once you've done this you have an agreed baseline.

The third problem is lack of commercial awareness. I'm surprised how many companies will offer fixed price work more cheaply than you would charge on a time sheet basis. This makes no sense; ask yourself this. Who is taking the risk, well in fixed price work it is you! So you should be charging a premium not a discount. For many of the larger professional services businesses this would be anything from 15 to 33% depending on the level of risk.

Managing Change is vital so you must have a rigorous change control procedure as all those little can you just do this small change add up to big changes and as we know even a small change can have far reaching consequences to the system and be very expensive to implement. Get your client used to the idea that he submits changes and you will price them up, so before he agrees he knows what it will cost.

The other issue is stage payments. So many businesses offer something like 50% up front and 50% on completion. It's great for you to get 50% up front but stupid to leave 50% of the fees on the table when you will have completed all the work. It is particularly bad because it puts you in a week negotiating position as when you get to the end you'll really want that 50% so you'll end up giving in to every little demand and variance your client wants to include; and believe me with a commercially astute client there will be plenty of them. I suggest, actually I'd like to insist, instead that you ask for stage payments that give you 80-90% of your fixed fees before work is completed. For example 30% up front 30% when design or other milestone is agreed 30% on delivery of the work and 10% after acceptance. That way you have lock in most of your fees before you get to the area of acceptance which is often the stage when the "I thought you were going to include" conversations happen. Now with 90% of your fees in the bag you can be a lot more realistic about what is and isn't included in your work.

Whilst it is not easy to make money on fixed price project, you just need to be a little more organised in your approach to your prospects.

Laurence Ainsworth is the founder of Exigent Consulting a UK based business consulting organisation and is a specialist in managing the challenges of High Growth, Sales & Marketing and Mentoring to the Small & Medium Business Sector.


Contact us to see how we can help you improve your company's performance.


Make Money Fast And Easy With No Investment - Just 3 Little Things

Wealth building is a simple process. The hardest part is understanding exactly what is required of you. If you listen to financial planners and accountants, you may be forgiven for feeling confused and lost. Personally it is my opinion that many of these professionals don't know what they mean themselves on occasion, but your obvious confusion is satisfaction enough for them.

There are three little things you need to build wealth. I am not talking about some distant date in the future, I am speaking of the massive and rapid compounding of your seed capital account today and in the next year.

There are three things you need. Bare in mind I speak from personal experience and not from an acedamic mindless parroting of concepts. I am not one of these finance professionals, I am however an investor and have practiced what I am about to tell you for over 5 years now with great success. So these three little things are not in any way mainstream advice. You should consider if it is right for your own circumstances.

The three little things are



Compounding Rate


Taking back the power over your money and financial future is the first step. Now I know it's simpler to start saving and hand over the money to some faceless funds manager and hope for the best, but even a "super" fund manager would feel they have done you a great service if they returned to you just 30% per YEAR! That is at the high end and even then you can expect that these gains are offset in the following years with a small or even negative return. Not very thrilling is it.

When you become the investor source yourself, when you take the reins and have a daily input into where your money goes, then you can achieve returns a quantum leap from the stock market. I can assure you that a hands on approach can yield 200% per MONTH!


Most people fail to realize that wealth building is not an exercise in saving. To make money fast and easy starting with no investment, you must have a certain mind set.

Unfortunately saving is how most people see investing. They see it as saving money with a small benefit of a yearly percentage increase. The truth is investing is not saving. Even $100 should grow every month without the need for you to work in a job and keep topping it up. It should grow of its own accord, or in the case of opportunity investment, it should grow with your help every month without the need for you to top up the account.

That being said you need to segregate your seed capital into a separate account that is never touched for anything but compounding growth.

Compounding Rate

The rate needs to reflect the effort you put into your investing business. 10% per year is not going to do anything. 10% per month is better but so much more is achievable if you understand how to find investment objects and use them to create a large compounding effect.

That is the goal of opportunity investment. To create transactions that steadily grow in dollar value to reflect the current level of your seed capital account. Sure, you may not be able to jump into real estate immediately but investment objects exist at all levels of the spectrum.

You should shoot for doubling your seed capital each month. Starting with just $200 if you do it correctly you should have nearly $1 million within 12 months or 12 transactions or growing weight. That being said you cannot do it without leverage. You can easily double $100 into $200 within one month just by buying and selling a few consumer items. But doubling $20,000 is a lot more difficult until we use leverage.

$20,000 used as a downpayment to control a property valued at $200,000 with just a small increase of 10% (which can easily be achieved providing you purchase well) Your return is $20,000 plus your original $20,000 equals a 100% return.

This is very hands on but it is the most easy and simple way to make money fast and easy. Quitting work within 4 months becomes a possibility so you can work full time in your investing business.

I hope this has assisted you to see what is possible. These three elements, Control, Segregation and Compounding rate are the lynch pins of a professional investing business.

Jack Reynolds' was a broke Insurance salesman only 2 years ago, today he owns assets valued at several million dollars. What did Jack do in 24 short months? You can read about Jack's remarkable and rapid transformation and download Hayden's famous book "The Million Dollar Mentor" by clicking here

2012年9月22日 星期六

Original Ways to Make Money with No Money-A Short Education

An opportunity should never be bought into. By definition, an opportunity is something that people will never sell you. From franchises to swamp land in Florida, to patents and inventions, it makes no difference. Theres nothing wrong with any of the things mentioned, however if somebody is trying to sell you these things, then they are not opportunities by definition.

An opportunity is an advantage that you can see that others cannot. I dont care about the dictionary definition, this is the real world definition. Opportunities are free. They dont cost money to observe. Of course I dont mean they wont cost you money, you may need some money to act on it. But if you are paying money so somebody can sell it to you (a sales commission) You should run for the hills.

So, getting back to my definition of an opportunity.

"Its an advantage that you can see that others cannot"

So what that means is that you have vision while others do not. We are awash with money around us. Money or "value" is everywhere. As "Hayden Muller" says, "it permeates our lives like oxygen" The difficulty is not finding opportunity. It is literally everywhere all the time. We are suffering from snow blindness if we still work for a living when such abundance is around us in our every day lives.

The difficulty is not money either. Having access to a few hundred dollars is all you need to take advantage of a million daily opportunities that present themselves in our daily lives. Anyone with some determination can find that much.

No, the real difficulty is knowledge, or education. Its what separates action from indifference. The question becomes, "so what?" "so what if I took this opportunity and made a few dollars, what next?" You see, without education, opportunities are meaningless. They lead now-where because we lack vision. Don't worry, I lacked plenty of vision myself.

Today you could drop me out of the sky into any free city on the Planet with nothing but the shirt on my back and I would be living well within 3 months and be financially secure within

2-4 years. I know I can do that because my vision tells me I easily could.

Put me in the middle of New York, I would immediately find markets to deal in. Even before I found a place to sleep, I would begin learning about what free markets are available and what they most want and need. I would quickly establish contacts with suppliers and retailers to become the "middle man" my favourite place to be.

Within a week, I would have a few hundred dollars saved. I would use those funds and pyramid my purchases for faster and faster turn over until I had enough to buy small assets that are in high demand. Cars, boats, anything that was being sold that I could find really cheaply. My charm and good looks would make sure I got the best deals and sold them for the highest price (winks)

Charm and good looks aside, the one thing you need is a clarion plan. A master plan that gets you from A to B

Making money with no money is easy and rudimentry. Its the opportunities you spot that makes the real difference. But really its the propensity to take action that delivers the results. Before you can take that action, you need to know where you are going.

Your situation is a lot better then the scenario I presented above. You live in a place where you know. You have intimate knowledge of the markets available already present. You have skills and have contacts already that can be of use.

Get a quick short education and go to it. Your first million is not as difficult as you may imagine.

May success find you fast and knowledge find you sooner

This article may be cut and pasted by anybody any time as long as the article is not altered in any way. The link must remain active and the resource box below must be added at the end. This article may be posted in forums used in blogs or other websites freely as long as this condition is met- copyright opportunity-investor.com

Jack Reynolds' was a broke Insurance salesman only 2 years ago, today he owns assets valued at several million dollars. What did Jack do in 24 short months? You can read about Jack's remarkable and rapid transformation and download Hayden's famous book "The Million Dollar Mentor" by clicking here

Make Money Publishing Books Online - Or Not!

Maybe you're interested in internet self publishing, self publishing cookbooks, self publishing Christian books, or self publishing POD (Print on Demand) books.

As a long time bookcoach, I know that if you compare self publishing to New York publishing, you'll see the deck is stacked in your favor with independent publishing.

Pros and Cons of Self Publishing--Which author are you?

1. The Cruise Ship Package Author. You, the emerging author of fiction or self help book, knows you can't get an agent or publisher, so you turn to Print on Demand printing companies, who you think can do it all for you. For example, format your book into a 6 by 9 paperback. Then, print copies as you need them. Know that their book promotion packages don't give you what you need. POD companies charge little on the front end, but over price your book and overcharge for your wholesale copies too. They make money. The author doesn't.

2. The I Wanna Be an Oprah Author. You, the unknown author, want to be rich and famous. You want to be a bestselling author and you copycat gurus and mentors out there thinking you must write like them to be respected. That means you will only want to write a 250 page print book that will bring prestige to your small business. You see your book as #1 in Amazon, you on Oprah and other big shows. You think how lucky you will be when a big publisher wants your book after your first year terrific sales of 20,000!

Think again. These businesses accept 1-2% of the top submissions. Unless you are famous, you will miss out and spend a lot of time and money trying to get their attention.

Check with other authors whose publishing adventure went south. Know that even if you get on the shows, you don't get a guarantee of selling books. In two years, one client went broke getting ready for Dr. Phil's show (printed 20,000 books) and when he got on, he didn't have enough money to write a good sales page for Phil's Web site that was only up two weeks.

3. A female business owner or other small business specialist. You want to either get out short information products and love the internet, or are stuck in the past thinking only a print book will do. Take it from me, you can, with little self publishing help,

put out a shorter eBook version first to test the market and improve your book from your audience's feedback an testimonials. You'll get high visibility, and, at the same time, brand your business and profit from business.

Wake Up Call: No out out there will do it all for you anyway, so you just need to take the next step and learn more about promoting, distributing and internet marketing.

4. An open-minded savvy person who knows there are multiple ways to write and publish a saleable book. You can leverage your success writing a print and eBook, and learn how to connect with the huge, online audience, ready to buy books conveniently , and who will love your book.

You don't have to publish the slow, hard, way with no control over your book. Educate yourself on self-publishing and its rewards that give many an author/business person like myself a healthy income.We may not be famous, but we love building trust in clients an those big book sales.

Book Coach Judy Cullins helps emerging and professional authors get started writing your book. Download the free ebook "20 High Octane Book Writing and Marketing Tips" available through The Book Coach Says at http://www.bookcoaching.com

Judy now enjoys networking on Linkedin, Facebook, & Twitter.

2012年9月21日 星期五

Making Money With An Opportunity Called Zeek Rewards

If you're reading this article today you're probably a marketer yourself possibly looking for reputable opportunity to get involved in. Well before I began writing about making money with Zeek Rewards, I would first like to tell you that this is not a traditional Network Marketing opportunity. OK now with that being said let's get started.

Zeek Rewards is an auction company that sales name brand items through its auction site. The money that is being made from the auction site is then split among paying members in the program. Members only get paid from Zeek Rewards for placing one ad per day. This is mandatory because the program is not an investment opportunity, or some illegitimate off shore HYIP ( high yield investment program). The only thing you must do to earn money with this program is place your one ad per day, and use your vip bids to either bid in the auctions or you can save them and let them accumulate into more vip bids!

The more vip bids you have the more revenue share you're entitled to receive. It is not a guarantee that you will receive any revenue at all for the day. Although since I've been involved the program, I'm receiving revenue share for the amount of vip bids I own, and for placing my one ad per day.

Now here's something I would like to also mention for Network Marketers. Although Zeek Rewards doesn't require us to recruit anyone, or sell anything, we have the opportunity to sponsor other people if you like, but again it's not necessary.

Now don't kill the messenger which is me. I'm a recruiter because I really enjoy helping people earn money online. Zeek Rewards has a 2x5 matrix in place with matching bonuses for those brave people who don't mind telling other people! They will compensate you well for all of your time and effort if like to recruit people.

My last say about this opportunity is that, people don't quit this program at all because Zeek Rewards gives away 110 bonus credits which turns into real cash after you've been in the opportunity for about two months! That's a really great incentive to people who really want to earn money!

For the first time people can earn real money with this opportunity because the way Zeek Rewards has their structure.Most people on the internet cannot sale, recruit, sponsor, or market online well enough to earn a significant amount of sustainable income. This is the perfect opportunity to overcome all of those obstacles!

So if you're looking to learn more about Zeek Rewards, you can also sign up for free to investigate the opportunity further. On their website they have great information to educate consumers on how get involved on their auction site, opportunity if you want to earn, and even if you're a season marketer.

Doniel is an Internet Marketer in South Florida who uses the power of the internet to make money from home and teaches other people his formula to his success. If you would like to find out earn money with affiliate marketing passive income opportunities http://www.earn-passive-income.net

Make Money by Owing Money

Most people believe that you should not owe money in order to make money, but the exact opposite can be true in a lot of cases. There are certain techniques that a person can use to make a lot of money even though they are up to their nose in debt. This sounds like it is too good to be true but it is not. This is not any type of scam nor is it illegal. These techniques can be used by virtually anyone who has time and a little patience. Of course, an income is also helpful in most cases, as you will be waiting for money to come in.

As you know, there are two different kinds of debt, positive and negative. In the interest of this discussion, I will explain the differences in simple terms. Positive debt is that which reflects well on your credit report. All loans, credit cards and so on that are paid on time and in good standing with the lender would be considered positive debts. Negative debts are those that are not in good standing and that drag down the rating of your credit score. These reflect poorly on you and there is little that you can do about that unless you manage to bring the negative to a positive by reaffirming with the lender.

Now, it is good to have some positive debt on your record. That is something that a lot of lenders like to see when they are determining whether or not you are worthy of receiving money from them. Now the catch 22 here is that you cannot have too much debt, even if it is all positive. In that case then the lender would have serious doubts about whether or not you would be able to pay for the loan that you are given. So, keep in mind that you will need a very good debt to income ratio. This will ensure that you will receive not only the loan, but also the best possible interest rate for the loan as well.

Now, on to making money. You need to invest and make some solid choices when doing so. The logical choice would be real estate by way of rental properties. This is a good way to make money even when you owe a lot of money. Here is what you do: Watch your local newspaper for a tax sale. This is a sale where the homes in the area are being sold to pay off the back taxes that are owed on them. It is also a great way to find properties that are good for rentals at a small rate. It is not uncommon for you to pick up a house for as little as one thousand dollars.

With this practice you are paying the taxes that are owed and then you own the home. Now there is the matter of the owner. If they can come up with the money within a certain amount of time, normally 30 days, then they can purchase the home back along with a fee that goes to you for paying the taxes. This rarely happens, so you will wind up with whatever homes that you have bid on in most cases. Now, you will need to pay for these homes. So go to the bank and take out a loan for the amount that you need. Get the best interest rate that you can and then pay off the properties.

Once you own the properties you can start renting them out. Use the income from the rent to pay the payments on the loan. When you do this, you are not paying any money out of pocket for the loan and you are increasing your credit rating all around. Not only that, you will most likely make more per month on the rentals than the loan payments so you will have an extra amount of disposable income with little effort.

Credit card debt consolidation as well as mortgages, loans, credit cards [http://www.cc-debtconsolidation.com/credit-cards.html], and more, are discussed on cc-debtconsolidation.com.

How to Make Money Through Online Casinos

The age of the internet has changed how money can be made. Instead of reporting for work to get a decent pay, some can still do it while working from the home.

Making money through gambling is the same. Instead of going down to the casino, this can also be done in the comforts of one's home.

Online gambling can be played in various ways similar to those in the regular casino. Players can still place bets and win some money. The odds and payback percentages are the same as regular casinos with some sites offering higher than others.

To be able to play online, there are a few things that are needed.

1. First is a good internet connection. A game can last a long time and it would be awful to be interrupted especially if one is making a lot of money.

2. To those who really like to play, it is a good idea to set some time for it.

3. Some online sites are better than others. To know which site is good, the person can try it out for free.

4. To make sure that the person is playing in a reliable or trusted site, it is best to do some research first before throwing that money around.

There are two ways to play. The first one is web based. That means logging on to the site then playing the games. Games like this can be played in the browser plug-ins such as Macromedia Shockwave, Macromedia Flash or Java. Bandwidth is also needed to be able to get the sound, graphics and animations in the game.

The second is downloaded based online games. This will require the person to get the software to be able to play the games. Compared to the first, this type is faster since everything that the person needs comes is already in the computer and everything can happen without browser support.

The person should be aware that there is a risk whenever downloading something from an untrusted source. Malware or viruses may enter the system which could give the user problems.

New members who signup are given bonuses in the first deposit. These usually match a percentage with how much was deposited to a dollar minimum. Games that are currently offered online are blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, slot machines and Pai Gow Poker.

There has been reported to be a lot of fraudulent behavior on the part of online casinos. These establishments have refused to pay the winnings of people through cheating software. This is done in the hope that the player will continue to play and hopefully lose it. Such sites are called rogue casinos which is why it is important to first check the site out to avoid being victimized.

Currently, there is a bill in congress that might stop the proliferation of online gambling. This is because of allegations that it operates outside US law and is run by mobsters, drug dealers and terrorists who exploit on innocent people.

Online gambling is a 6 billion dollar industry that is regulated in more than 40 countries. Before deciding on playing the game, the person has to remember that there are risks involved.

Online gambling can be addictive. So it is best to be careful than losing everything including one's home.

Claire Bowes is a successful Webmaster and publisher of My Poker Tips. Claire provides more information on her site about Online Poker Rooms that you can research at home.

2012年9月20日 星期四

How to Make Money Into More Money - Getting Into Online Sales

Here's how to make money into more money, by getting into online sales:

1. Find your niche market

2. Select your niche products or services

3. Test your niche products or services

4. Refine your niche products or services

1. Finding your niche market

This is probably the easiest part of the process because all you really have to do is take a little introspection and decide what it is that you like the most in your life. What is it that drives you? What is your passion?

We all have something which we are really passionate about, something which we could do or talk about all day.

Your passion could be sports, fishing, knitting, a specific sports (like football), art, or anything else under the sun, so all you have to do, in order to initiate your money-making process, is to decide what you love the most in life.

If you have difficulty doing this, think of it this way; when you are with one or more of your best friends, what is the one thing which you could discuss with them for the rest of the day?

Once you have figured out what it is that you love you can move on to the next step, which is selecting your niche products or services.

We will take football (soccer) as an example of someone's passion and this will be the niche market.

2. Selecting your niche products or services

Now that you have found your niche market (e.g. football), you will go on the hunt for products related to football, preferably digital products, like e-books, videos and coaching manuals, but physical products are okay as well, like jerseys, memorabilia etc.

Now, no matter how much start up capital you have to work with, which you want to turn into more money, either way, you will not be physically buying any inventory, unless it is in the form of Master Resale Rights (MRR) to an e-book, coaching manual etc.

Alternatively, you can search for vendors of such products that offer affiliate programs which you can sign up to and these are usually free.

3. Testing your niche products or services

This is where the action gets under way -- you will now start to turn your money into more money by either generating content (writing about your favorite topic) or a paying someone else to do it. Preferably, you will write this content yourself, as this was the point of choosing a topic you are passionate about, that way you will never get bored of writing about your topic.

The idea is to create content which will interest like-minded people -- people who are interested in the same topic you are and you can do this in a lot of ways.

Compiling a list of "The Top Ten Goals of All Time" with videos to accompany them and leaving a comments box, for example, is one of the many things one could do to solicit interest from the football loving internet users.

Once that structure is going, your content will have links to your affiliate products, as well as to your own products, if you acquired MRR with sales pages and that is how you will make your money.

4. Refining your niche products or services

As time goes by, you will start to see which products perform better than others and this is where the process of actually spending some of the money you have to invest comes in, as you will then go into the marketing of your products.

Because you will be sure of which products actually sell, pumping money into marketing campaigns will see better returns.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program. http://www.dollarmultiplierguide.com