2012年9月22日 星期六

Make Money Publishing Books Online - Or Not!

Maybe you're interested in internet self publishing, self publishing cookbooks, self publishing Christian books, or self publishing POD (Print on Demand) books.

As a long time bookcoach, I know that if you compare self publishing to New York publishing, you'll see the deck is stacked in your favor with independent publishing.

Pros and Cons of Self Publishing--Which author are you?

1. The Cruise Ship Package Author. You, the emerging author of fiction or self help book, knows you can't get an agent or publisher, so you turn to Print on Demand printing companies, who you think can do it all for you. For example, format your book into a 6 by 9 paperback. Then, print copies as you need them. Know that their book promotion packages don't give you what you need. POD companies charge little on the front end, but over price your book and overcharge for your wholesale copies too. They make money. The author doesn't.

2. The I Wanna Be an Oprah Author. You, the unknown author, want to be rich and famous. You want to be a bestselling author and you copycat gurus and mentors out there thinking you must write like them to be respected. That means you will only want to write a 250 page print book that will bring prestige to your small business. You see your book as #1 in Amazon, you on Oprah and other big shows. You think how lucky you will be when a big publisher wants your book after your first year terrific sales of 20,000!

Think again. These businesses accept 1-2% of the top submissions. Unless you are famous, you will miss out and spend a lot of time and money trying to get their attention.

Check with other authors whose publishing adventure went south. Know that even if you get on the shows, you don't get a guarantee of selling books. In two years, one client went broke getting ready for Dr. Phil's show (printed 20,000 books) and when he got on, he didn't have enough money to write a good sales page for Phil's Web site that was only up two weeks.

3. A female business owner or other small business specialist. You want to either get out short information products and love the internet, or are stuck in the past thinking only a print book will do. Take it from me, you can, with little self publishing help,

put out a shorter eBook version first to test the market and improve your book from your audience's feedback an testimonials. You'll get high visibility, and, at the same time, brand your business and profit from business.

Wake Up Call: No out out there will do it all for you anyway, so you just need to take the next step and learn more about promoting, distributing and internet marketing.

4. An open-minded savvy person who knows there are multiple ways to write and publish a saleable book. You can leverage your success writing a print and eBook, and learn how to connect with the huge, online audience, ready to buy books conveniently , and who will love your book.

You don't have to publish the slow, hard, way with no control over your book. Educate yourself on self-publishing and its rewards that give many an author/business person like myself a healthy income.We may not be famous, but we love building trust in clients an those big book sales.

Book Coach Judy Cullins helps emerging and professional authors get started writing your book. Download the free ebook "20 High Octane Book Writing and Marketing Tips" available through The Book Coach Says at http://www.bookcoaching.com

Judy now enjoys networking on Linkedin, Facebook, & Twitter.

