2012年9月17日 星期一

Making Money Online: Reality or Myth?

These days it seems like everywhere you look, there are ads online telling you that you too can make a massive fortune online.

Why then, does it seem like it all looks too easy? Why do they make it sound like in a couple of short months, you too can be rolling in wealth? Is it a real possibility? Is it all a farce? Are they just out to get YOUR money?

The answers aren't as simple as you think.

While deciding to venture into an online business is a fantastic idea and potentially VERY lucrative..... you have to be ready to WORK!

How many readers did I lose with that statement? Yes, the world is filled with those who want the get rich quick scheme to

be true. They want to start an online business today and be filty rich tomorrow. Guess what? If it was that easy, the

world banks wouldn't have enough money to pay all of us would they?

There are methods you must employ, steps you must take, dues you must pay, and things you must learn if you are to be

successful in this business. Wow, who would have thought we would have had to do some real work huh? So much for get rich

quick AND easy!

I hope this doesn't sound like an anti-online business campaign because it IS possible to make money online. It IS possible

to make a full time income online. Yes it IS possible to get very wealthy working online. You just have to know what steps

to take, who to trust, and how to spend your money. Yes you will have to spend some money. No one ever obtained wealth for


When I first came up with the idea of pursuing online business, I studied day and night for weeks on end. I read through a

multitude of opportunities, I joined several different programs but none of them ever said "sign here and we'll mail you your

first cheque in a month" well ok, ONE of them did and they followed through on that promise. I still had to do some WORK

for it though.

If you are willing to work, spend a little bit of money, and have some patience, good things will start to happen if you are persistent and work with good people.

Shane Gibson

Gibson Online Marketing


