2012年11月20日 星期二

How Can You Ever Hope to Make Money Online? - The Secrets Revealed

Every single person around the world is constantly in pursuit of money. This is why you have, or had a job, even though you were probably unhappy. The main reason, for starting an online business, is for more money and an easier, more flexible lifestyle.

Once you have entered the world of online internet business, you will soon realize that you are simply a marketer. You are one of millions of other marketers. At first, you will probably battle with the technical aspects of building a website, optimizing it, attracting traffic to your site, advertising, finding suitable affiliate plans and products, constantly updating the content on your website.

In desperation, you will probably try other methods of marketing yourself, like submitting articles to the directory sites, joining social sites and forums and all sorts of other time consuming activities, that someone may have recommended.

You will then become frustrated, irritated and annoyed at all the effort you are putting in to your new online internet marketing business, but no matter what you do, you still can't get much traffic to your sites and as a result, your sales are dismal.

At this stage you are ready to give up. You just cannot see how on earth you are going to make money, if you cannot get traffic to your sites. Does any of this sound familiar? Of course it does, because it happened to all of us.

So what to do now? Well, you will probably resign yourself to the fact that your system is not working for you. You then start searching for a quick fix. You are prepared to start over, with anything that is "guaranteed" to work.

Instead of persevering and looking at establishing a long term business, with future profits, you decide you need to make fast money, now. But, after a while of more fruitless attempts, you are eventually forced to admit that all that is happening, is that you are wasting even more time and money.

The Secrets.

So what is the secret? Is there a shortcut? How do you make money on the internet?

A New Business Opportunity. Well, don't dream the rest of the day away! There is somebody who has developed such a system and I'm going to explain it to you. And, yes you can make a lot of money.

Derek Robson has been a successful Internet marketer since 2003. He has a vision of empowering all fellow South Africans and other non U.S folk, to have equal opportunity and success on the internet, by finding solutions to the many obstacles facing them. He is a syndicated article writer. He and his wife Sally, have started a string of sites, resources, courses and articles, as part of Dersalsites. For informative articles on Internet marketing, South African online business, list building, affiliate marketing, article marketing, blogging, seo, the law of attraction, rugby and other general topics, such as gardening and fitness, visit Derek and Sally at their blog, part of http://dersalsites.com/

