2012年12月17日 星期一

Make Money Online Starting With 9 Vital Questions

The title sounds more complicated then it really is. The formula stands for the way most all of us where taught to solve problems or learn new things. Here is the formula:

W5 = Who, What, Where, When, Why!

H1 = You guessed it How!

Now whether you like it of not, in order to be successful online there will come a time when you are going to have to do some writing. Maybe not a lot of writing, but some! When you do, you are going to need an outline to follow prior to getting started. I call this outline your flow of thoughts.

Now there are 9 questions in your flow of thoughts that you are going to need to answer before you start writing anything and I mean anything from classified ads to full blown website sales copy.

These 9 questions will help you determine exactly who you are and what you are offering. If you follow this process, you will be leap years ahead of your competition. I promise that most if not all other online marketers are not approaching their business in this fashion and it is to your advantage.

Let's take a look at the 9 questions now.

Question 1:

What am I offering? What am I pitching, recommending or trying to sell?

Question 2:

What problem does my idea or offer solve?

(What is causing your customer pain, grief or inconvenience?)

(What keeps them up at night with worry or apprehension?)

Question 3:

Why is it worth trying and buying?

(Why will people benefit from your product or service?)

(What will they stop, start or do differently as a result of using your service or business?)

Question 4:

Who is my target audience?

(Who wants or needs what you're selling or suggestion?)

(Who are you asking for their time, attention, opinion and approval?)

Question 5:

Who am I and what are my credentials?

(What in your background qualifies you to offer this?)

(How have you lived this so people can trust your expertise and put their faith in you?)

(What special experience of proven track record does your company bring to the offer?)

Question 6:

Who are my competitors and how am I different from them?

(Which individuals and organizations offer services or products similar to yours?)

(Describe them and identify at least two ways you are the opposite of them.)

(How are you uncommon?)

(How do you not duplicate what's already available elsewhere?)

Question 7:

What resistance or objections will people have to this?

(Why might people be apathetic about your idea or invention?)

(Why might decision makers say this is risky or unreasonable?)

(Why would people say "no thanks"?)

Question 8:

What is the purpose of my pitch?

(What are you primarily trying to achieve?)

(At the end of you communication, what are you wanting to happen?)

Question 9:

When, Where and How do I want people to take action?

(The clearer you are about answering this question, the more likely it is to happen. If you are vague in "asking for the sale," then people won't know what they're supposed to do.)

This is just a summary of what all successful online marketers go through prior to writing anything. You need to have a clear vision of you are, what you do and what it is that you are offering. Once you have done that, creating your marketing campaigns will be easy.

Invest time in the beginning to get it right rather then just jumping in, getting all messed up and wondering what happened, why you are losing money and/or why you haven't made any money.

Advance preparation is a must do for anyone wanting to make money online and have a long lasting and successful business model.

If you want step-by-step how to make money instructions done in a look over my shoulder video format then visit my website right now at: [http://secrets-to-online-profits.com]

